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Around 9 in the morning

A girl is seen standing at the entrance of Chandigarh airport.

A girl is seen standing at the entrance of Chandigarh airport

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She was not wearing sunglasses and didn't had the handbag. She just have two suitcase and a bag with her

She is observing her surroundings.
The girl was finally in Chandigarh and she greeted Chandigarh with open arms. She still couldn't believe that she was actually here in Chandigarh. It felt like a dream to her and she don't want to wake up from this dream. After it finally dawn on her mind that she is really standing at Chandigarh airport and it's not just her dream, she hailed a cab and left for her apartment which will be her new house, her new residence.

The city is the place where she will be starting her new journey, a new beginning, a fresh and new chapter of her life. And to say that she was excited yet nervous will be an understatement.

The cab stops right in front of the entrance gate of the apartment. She paid the driver and with her luggage walked towards the building looking at it in awe but not before thanking him for dropping her safely at her destination.

She had never been here before and this is the first time she is seeing the place in person. She was awestruck to see her 18th birthday gift. She could not believe that for the girl who never went anywhere alone now have her own place, will be living here alone in this totally new city to her with no relatives around, will now live as she wish to. It is a big deal, a very big deal FOR HER.

The unfamiliarity of having her own place was giving her mixed feelings. She was feeling overwhelmed but also was scared as she will be living alone here and excited to finally get what she wanted. She was finally far away from all her relatives and family. She will be studying in Punjab University. She will do part-time job to make her small living as she don't have to pay the rent, so a part-time job will be able to make her pay for her basic necessities. All these feelings were new to her.

She took a deep breath and finally walked inside the apartment. She was checking every detail of the building.

There were some people, a few years elder than her; sitting and chatting amongst themselves in a cute sitting area the complex had

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There were some people, a few years elder than her; sitting and chatting amongst themselves in a cute sitting area the complex had. It's like a garden with wooden benches placed at definite distances all around it. It also have the wooden gazebo made at some definite distances. People sit there and do whatever they like. Some older people are sitting there reading newspaper, books or magazines. Some people are practicing dancing there by playing music in a low voice or wearing their headphones or earplugs. It also has a swimming pool in the center of the building where few people are swimming too. Everything looks lively here. Everyone looks so happy and content with their lives.

Girl's POV:-

Woww! It's a beautiful place but I don't get it. Why do they have to gift me such a place for living alone? Actually I did mention about renting it to the friends I make in the college which I was not really planning to do. But it looks like I may change my mind. I mean looking at the building, I have no doubt that my apartment will be sufficient for 6-7 people to live considering 2 people stay in one room. Oh god! I am standing here for so long🤦‍♀️ People will think about me as a creep and some might approach me too which I am in no mood to deal with right now. I have to unpack and start setting up the house. I walked a bit more when I saw some people sitting in one of the gazebo who looks like my age. They look like they are really close to each other. Should I go and talk to them🤔

Ahh!!! Forget it...I am in no mood to talk to them right now. Might as well try to avoid them as much as I can. First time travelling in flight was a whole new experience. A bit tiring not much but a very beautiful one I would say. The view!! It was sooo peaceful and beautiful. Ughh!!! Look I started thinking again. Keep walking dumbo.

After entering inside one of the buildings, I saw the elevator doors and dragged my luggage till there. As per the address my house is on 20th floor of this building. Hmm, then I guess I am looking forward to see how the view from the balcony looks like. I pressed the 20th floor button and the stood at the back leaning back comfortably.

Just when the doors were about to close, a hand popped out from between them. Damn it!! I was glad at first that no one is inside the elevator and I don't have to meet anyone but looks like my bad luck came all the way with me to Chandigarh too. Looks like I have to start pretending from this instant. I closed my eyes making myself a bit more comfortable. I can feel the person entering. I felt his eyes on me. Yes 'His'. I can say that from the hand.

I heard the sound of elevator doors closing and now the guy is busy staring at me only. I can't blame him though. I am new here and I am definitely behaving wierd so staring me is obvious. Pretending to not notice anyone's presence and just lost in my own peaceful rest session is definitely normal right when you are new somewhere🙄

I feel so embarassed right now but I can't help it. I don't want to talk or meet anyone. I am fine by myself. I like to be alone. I don't like anyone's company around me. So please don't mind. It just makes me uncomfortable being around someone. What goes on in my mind when I am around people is only I know. I am good at pretending so it's best for me that others won't even get a hint of my discomfort in front of them.


Thank god! Finally!! But is it my floor? What am I thinking? Who cares if it's mine or not🙄If it's his, then he will leave. Lucky for me no one else entered all this time. I opened my eyes and saw that it's my floor. Thank you god. Bye stranger. I carried my luggage out. The guy was standing right beside me leaning on the back so I didn't bother to see his face when I opened my eyes. But when I saw him coming out of the elevator too, that's when I observed him and saw his face for the first time. He was not the one amongst the people of my age sitting down there....


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