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Avneet's Pov:-

Janu: Fine. Now since everything is sorted let's just pl....

My phone rang and interrupted jaan in between.

Avu: Umm sorry about that. Just a second.

I checked my phone to see....

To seee
(Who do you think the person is??)
To see MY BROTHER calling me.

I looked towards my group and smiled at them.

Miku: Who is it Avu??

Reem: Is it who I am thinking?
She asked smiling excitedly. My group laughed at her excitement and abhishek's group looked at her curious to know the reason of her excitement.

Avu: Yess sweetheart. You are going in the right direction.

My group came by my side knowing jai is calling now. I was about to pick up when the call ended.

Reem: Damn it avu. You didn't pick up.

Abhishek: Who is it?

Avu: It's jai.

Abhi/sid/vaish/sumi: Who is jai?

Avu: My brother.
They nodded and my phone started ringing flashing jai's name. I picked up the call. I am not in mood to talk but like everytime for sweetheart, jai and my group, I have to talk to him.

Avu: Hellloooo!!! Well look who called me today!!
I said faking surprise and shock. Everyone laughed seeing my reaction.

Jai: Oh goddd come on diii!!!! You have to do something like this everytime right???
He said faking annoyance and I laugh it off.

Avu: What can I do??? Sir is so busy nowadays.
I said rolling my eyes.

Jai: Ughh!! Why am I even talking to you??

Avu: Because you can't live without talking to your hot and beautiful sister.
I said in a fake proud tone. And everyone was watching me with amused expressions.

Jai: Yeah that's true. Anyways, how are you?

Back to normal conversation now. I am not good. But want me to tell you that jai? Tom knew I am not comfortable talking to him. He gave me a concerned look wrapping his arms discreetly around my lower back. He was rubbing small circles there to calm me which works a bit. But abhishek saw that. Ughhh, now he is observing everything happening around me!!!

Avu: I am all good.
I said. My voice coming out cheerful. The way I wanted. But Tom and abhishek knew it was fake. Why did I tell you abhishek?

Jai: Great. Sooo....
Something is wrong. His voice sounds suspicious.

Avu: What is it jai? You know right, I can read you easily without you being present here.
I asked suspicious. Abhishek's group looked at me in shock.

Jai: Ahem ahem. Nothing di. By the way where are you right now?
He tried sounding normal but his voice sounded like....desperate.

Avu: Why are you asking?
I asked yet again suspicious of his behaviour. Everyone was giving me a curious look. I shook my head at them and signed to tell them later. They nodded.

Jai: Can't you just answer me diii without questioning like you are our dad???

Avu: Can't help it. I have always seen you creating troubles. You can't blame me for being suspicious at your words.
I joked and he sighed.

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