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The three of them looked at him and started laughing. Avneet thanked him through her eyes for cheering up their mood since she knew he can read her easily, which he did.

Dad: Okay okay...Thank you child for lifting up our mood and yeah it's really nice to TALK to you😄

Bhavesh laughed with him.

Bhavesh: Uncle you don't have to worry about her. She is doing really well here all alone. She is a matured and grown up girl and a very strong one too😊.

Avneet gave him a 'Are you serious' look.

Avneet: Yess dad. I am handling myself quite well here.
She flipped her hair to put some extra effect on him. The others laughed at her antics and she was glad she was able to make them smile atleast.

Dad: Okay then we will hang up now. You guys enjoy and Avneet no dating and all now...Got it??

Avneet: Ughhh!!! Dadddd!!!! You don't have to say that. You know that I am in no mood for dating anyone right now. I am here for studies. So please stop mentioning this again and again😫.

Bhavesh laughed at her expressions.

Avneet: It's not at all funny. Stop laughing.
She said glaring at him. He shot his hands up in surrender.

Bhavesh: Sorry. I thought it was funny🤷‍♂️

Avneet: Bhaveshhh😠😠

Bhavesh: Okay Sorry Alright. I won't say anything.
He signed zipping his lips and throwing the keys away.

Avneet: Good.

Mom/Dad: Alright now. Stay in contact both of you. Bye bye.

Avneet/Bhavesh: Yes Mom dad/ uncle aunty. Bye bye.

They ended the call and avneet sighed heavily. She was missing them soooo muchhh.

Bhavesh: Do you want to talk about it?

Avneet: Yess I guess.
He signed her to continue.
About before, how do you know?

Bhavesh: I know every single thing about you. Except me no one else knows. Soooo you don't have to worry about it. I know everything because there has to be someone here for you who knows every detail. Hence, I will be your helping hand here. I know you are never comfortable with your family and I know your family background and everything. You know, you don't have to pretend in front of me atleast. Let me see your real side. As I promised...Everything will be back on track and will be fine very soon. Be patient with me please. I can just ask you to give me a chance. Rest of the decision is in your hands. It's your life to decide what you want? Who you want to be with? I can just advice you.

Avneet: You... You know... every...everything...ab....about me?

He nodded.

Her face paled. She never wanted anyone to know. He shouldn't have known anything. She was here to start a new life. Someone knowing everything about her will make it difficult for her to start a new life. They will make her remember everything and she will not be able to pass through it. She don't even know who he is in reality? What is he like to be around?

As if reading her mind, Bhavesh said.

Bhavesh: Okayyyy I will tell you somethings about me.
She nodded for him to continue.
My mom dad were in love. It was love at first sight. They had a love marriage.
He smiled remembering it.
My grandparents didn't allow it so they eloped and get married. They thought after marriage their parents will accept them but that didn't happen. They shifted here and started their new life here since this was the place where they met for the first time. They were on a trip here. 3 years back my only family which is them, they....
He took a breath. Avneet kept her hands on his shoulder and squeezed it trying to comfort him though it didn't work but he was glad to see her efforts.
They died. I was out in the college. There was a short circuit in the house and they were sleeping so it was too late when they realized. I didn't even get the chance to do the last rituals since I found them in ashes. I went to their cousins, my grandparents but none of them wanted to even see my face so I came here and started living in this apartment. This was a gift for me by them.
Tears rolled down his cheeks.
I loved them so much. For me the definition of love was them.
He said controlling himself.
So I won't let you remember anything from my side. You will never have that problem atleast because of me. I assure you that. Stop bothering yourself with it. Just let yourself free.
He smiled at her.

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