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Avu's Pov:-

Avu: Okay then. Everyone has things to do. So let's meet at 12 at the cafè.
They nodded. And we all left our seperate ways. Siddharth, Vaishnavi came with Tom and I.

Avu: Tom, I have to go to university today.
I told him.

Bhav: Alright.

Sid: When??

Avu: 1 pm.

Sid: What about your lunch??
He asked concerned.

Avu: I'll go after having lunch with you guys.
I said and he relaxed.

Vaish: Someone is so concerned for avu I guess.
She said smirking. Oh god!!! Even she can see it now. Tom jerked his face towards Siddharth and I.

Sid: Nothing like that di. She almost fainted sometime ago at her place. So I was just worried about her health.
He said defending himself. But I can see his cheeks turned a light shade of red. Damn!!! He is blushing too now. Tom looked at me concerned and I just shook my head indicating him I am fine and he nodded reluctantly.

Vaish: Okay okay. I am leaving you this time. You are lucky because it actually happened today.
She said the first line dismissively. But then came in step with me and hold my hand.

Vaish: Are you really feeling better now avu?? Look, tell me if you need anything or you don't feel fine. We can head back to your place immediately. Just tell me okay??
I nodded smiling at her genuinely. These people are really nice. I can't find it in me to block them out. They can become my family too. I can see genuine concern for me in their eyes and how much they started liking me since the moment they met me yesterday. Hopefully, I won't build a wall around them and let my past affect me. Vaishnavi didn't leave my hand and continued walking besides me.

Sid: Avu, when will you come back from university??

Avu: 4:30.

Sid: Oh great!!!
He said happily.

Avu:Why are you getting so excited hearing that??
I said laughing.

Sid: Nothing.

Avu: You sure??
I asked still laughing.

Sid: Yes. And you look in a good mood today.
He said smiling.

Avu: I am in a good mood.
I said smiling. Not actually but I feel better now after the talk with tom this morning. I looked at tom and saw him looking at me too. He asked me if I am really okay. And I nodded in a yes.

Bhav: We are almost there now guys.
He informed siddharth and vaishnavi. They nodded. We reached at the cafè. And the two of them were rooted on their spots checking out the place in wonder.

Vaish: This is so beautiful Bhav.
She said admiring the beauty of the place in front of her.

Sid: There's no doubt in that. You have done an excellent job in working on the decor of the cafè.
He said appreciating.

Avu: I know right. Even I was awestruck after seeing the cafè for the first time. Tom have excel the decor, I would say. Right??
Vaishnavi and siddharth hummed.

Bhav: Enough of the praising. Now let's go in.
He said a bit shy.

Avu: Oh come on tom. Don't be shy. We are praising you here. Not teasing you.
I said in a teasing tone and siddharth laughed seeing tom's red cheeks. Vaishnavi smiled too.

Vaish: Leave the boy alone avu.
She said laughing.

Avu: You are laughing too and enjoying this as much as we are.

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