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But when I saw him coming out of the elevator too, that's when I observed him and saw his face for the first time. He was not amongst the people of my age sitting down there.

Hmm...He is cute with the all black outfit, he looks so handsome. Okay what the hell am I even thinking? And why is he getting out of the elevator too? OH NOO!!! Is it possible that he lives on the same floor too? No this is not good😫Now how on earth will I avoid him most of the time if he lives on the same floor as me? Plus as far as I observed the place, the people here lives like a family. He will try to involve me in many activities too😫Ughhh!! Now why is he giving me that nervous smile😩


The guy looked at the girl and gave her a nervous smile when he found her observing him for a while and then lost in her own thoughts. He thought of starting some conversation.

Guy: Hey...I...umm...
He took a breath and the girl was observing him.

Guy: I never saw you here before so I assumed you are new here. I just...I just thought to come and say hi to you but you know you were...umm...

The girl observed his body language. He was nervous to talk to her. He didn't look like the introvert type when she saw him first. But as a fact, she didn't like it even a bit making people uncomfortable since she knew how it feels like being so uncomfortable while talking to someone and it is not a good feeling to experience. It makes things worse and...and awkward. So she thought to ease out this nervousness and decided to talk to him keeping her own comfort aside and forgetting about her previous decision to avoid him even if she has to face that discomfort again this time. She has to do that some day when he is her neighbour. She won't be living there without talking to anyone. That's impossible. Someone or the other will approach her and can find her suspicious because of her behaviour. So she just decided to get through this, today itself. She thought that she could just pretend of being comfortable. It's not like he will find out.

Girl: Hi...Yeah umm...sorry about that. I was just really tired after travelling through flight that's why. And yeah. You are right. I am new here.

A/N:- Okay now. After this note, girl thinks she is pretending but she wasn't. She will realize it later. We are not writing it again and again about her pretence. Now continue.

She said smiling. That smile made all the nervousness go far away from him. He was calm now. And she was a bit assured to see him relax.

Guy: Oh yes I can understand. Travelling, shifting and all is never easy. It consumes all of our energy. By the way how long?

Girl: 2 hours 30 minutes.

Guy: Oh!! First time in flight?
Girl nodded.

Guy: Ahh! Then it must definitely be tiring for you. First time in flights are always tiring.
He said with a sympathetic smile.

Girl: Yeah. I understand that now.
She said in a tired tone. He saw it.

Guy: You came alone?? I mean your parents or any elder one didn't come with you?

Girl: No, they didn't. I came here alone. I am shifting here for my studies. So they won't be living here with me.
She said nonchalantly but actually, she was missing them a lot already. She didn't let him see that.

Guy: Oh I see. Soooo do you need any help in unpacking or anything else. I am free right now so I guess I can lend you a hand.
He said with a wink.

Girl: Are you indirectly referring to spend more time with me alone??
She said with a mischievous smile.

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