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Bhav: Maybe because all this fight between specially you and noor is having because of him appearing out of nowhere. We don't know who he is to noor and we are blaming him and noor for not telling us anything. We are blaming noor to have another boyfriend because she didn't tell us about him? Since she is hesitating to tell us? Since she is not sure how to start telling us? Since she is scared of being out of the group? Her reason to be scared can be anything and not just cheating on me or our friendship. So please don't assume anything. Also reemi aren't we basically judging the guy we just met and are blaming him for something we are not even sure ourselves?? When did we become the ones who judge people? Remember we are not the people to judge someone we don't even know reemi? Jerry calls you sweetheart remember? You have that nickname for a reason. Calm down and let her speak. Let her take the time she needs. She didn't want to tell us all about him like this. So let her take the time she wants. She needs to get some courage to face it in a circumstance like this. You know that noor says something only after thinking through it. And this time; for this secret of hers, it just came out all of a sudden. She didn't even get the time to think about it. She didn't get the time to think how will she share this secret to all of us. So please calm down and listen to whatever she wants to say without interrupting her.

Sid, sumi and avu were happy to see him supporting ashnoor in her bad time. They didn't show it but they were. Ashu hugged him tight and he hugged her back. His words made Reem go silent. She realized what Bhavesh meant. She actually blamed ashnoor for having another boyfriend without even hearing out what she has to say on that and judging the guy she just met. She was feeling guilty for her behaviour towards her sister and the guy now. With tears of guilt in her eyes she said.

Reem: I...I am so sorry ash. I just...I just don't know what happened to me...I am really sorry for blaming you without hearing you out. And I am so sorry to talk to you like that and shouting at you without knowing who you are to her.

Reem said the last part to Sid.

Sid: It's ok. I am actually glad that someone is here who looks after her.

Sid smiled faintly at reem which she returned back. He realized ashu is still scared. Not of him but, of his reaction since she didn't tell him about her friends, about having a boyfriend, about the only family thing. And the way he came to her and asked her about forgetting something while she hugged bhavu, made her more scared about it.

He sighed internally realizing what his behaviour might have looked like to reem now. He must have looked like a goon or something demanding answers from people.

Sid: Aaashuuuu....
He went and stood beside her and hugged her from behind and kissed her temple. It was his way to tell her that he wants her to handle this situation, that he is not mad at her for not telling him about her friends and boyfriend, that he knew why she said her friends that they are the only family she has. The assurance of the right guy he needed for her sister, he have it now from bhavesh and he couldn't find anyone better for her. Also she couldn't get any better friends like them. Everyone was watching them curiously whereas bhavu and avu were happy from inside for her. They understood what sid was trying to tell ashu through that hug.

Ashnoor got a bit relaxed after that hug from sid. She knew everyone was happy seeing her relaxed with sid but at the same time were watching both of them with curiosity in their eyes.

Sid knew that too but he didn't let go of her. He stood there with her to answer all their questions but only when she tells them who he is to her.

Ashnoor sighed and looked at avu's direction to get some kind of help. She didn't get any help from her. She understood that avu wants the same thing as her sid bhai. To face this herself. Avu, will help her if anyone gets mad but to tell them about her sid bhai is for her to handle. Infact bhavu will help too even though he didn't know anything about who sid is to her. So she looked down towards the floor, took a deep breath and finally said.

Ashnoor: He...He is my...
(She looked up at everyone's faces once and finally said it out)
He is my elder brother Siddharth.

Everyone looked at her shocked. Their jaw dropped from this sudden new information. They have known her for 3 years and she didn't tell them about her brother whom she is so close too as they can see. They had many questions in their mind but didn't know what to ask first or what to say.

Siddharth smiled at her, proud of her for facing this problem herself even when she knew she will have to answer so many questions, she could lose their trust, their friendship which will be difficult and heartbreaking for her.

Reem: Br...Brother??
She asked shock clearly evident on her face. Ashnoor nodded.

Janu: Whyyy??? Why didn't you tell us??
She said with tears in her eyes.

Miku: What made you think ash that we will get mad to know you have an elder brother? He is your brother for god's sake. What's wrong in having a brother? Why were you hiding him from us? You....You were ready to take all the accusations we threw on you but didn't trust us to tell us he is your brother🥺?

Faisu: And here I thought we all were stronger than this....Not have any secrets amongst each other🥺. Why were you hiding him? No actually I should ask you what more are you hiding ash?

Bhavu: Oh godd!!!! Guys hear her out atleast. I promised her I won't let anyone get mad at her and here you all are showing that you don't care about my words.

Ashnoor thanked him for his support by hugging him. Sid too was grateful to have his support for his sister. She break the hug and went to faisu. She hugged him too.

Ashnoor: I am so so sorry guys. Plz don't say that fais. It hurts to hear that. I have my reasons for hiding. Just hear me out please. Can you please do that for me fais??

Fais didn't respond anything but anyways hugged her back. Ofcourse she is a sister to him. He was just upset because ashnoor didn't trust him or anyone there to tell them about siddharth. The hug gave ashnoor the assurance that he will listen to her if she wants to tell him. She smiled to herself for having such friends in her life. She break the hug.

Ashnoor: (She went to miku, hugged her and said...)
Miku I swear I knew, you all won't get mad at me after knowing I have an elder brother. But I didn't know, how to tell you guys why I was trying to hide him from everyone.....It's something which can break us apart miku and I didn't want that to happen. I love you guys with my life and I can't afford to lose any single one of you. I didn't want to be separated from bhavu, from any of you. I swear I didn't mean to hurt any of you. If I would have known sidd bhai is coming here today, I wouldn't have let him come here to avoid all these questions but destiny had some other plans for me I guess. Look, here I am now. I know you all must be thinking what's so worse about him that I am hiding him from my own friends and boyfriend but trust me, you wouldn't want to know that. I know it's just an excuse but I was really scared of losing you all. But that doesn't mean that since now you know about him, I won't tell you the reason for hiding him. I will. But please give me some time to explain. Hear me out. Please. Just one chance is all I am asking for. Will you give that to me miku???

Miku nodded at her.

Ashnoor went to janu and hugged her.

Ashnoor: Janu, I promise I will tell you all, the reason but right now I can't. I need some time. It's very complicated. I need to make sure this will not break our friendship. Please try to understand. I don't want this friendship to be broken into pieces janu.


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~Lots of Love❤

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