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After 2 years.


It's been 2 years now since I came here in Chandigarh. My studies and work is going all fine. During this 2 years, I really got to know everyone better and they have become my really good friends. My act in front of them is almost negligible now. Though I still pretend in front of strangers which they know very well and now they can read me most of the times too. There are still times when they cannot see through my act. Bhavesh still does. I can hardly get through him without him knowing about my acting.

Miku is a soft hearted, pure girl who is waiting for her true love to appear. I wish she gets what she wants in her life. She deserves the whole world. Though we all are really worried for her because she is so innocent for the world and she don't have anyone behind to look after her. She is an orphan and she had grown up in the same orphanage with faisu and jaan. We don't know anything about the three of them's parents. They are really good friends. We are scared that some wrong guy would take advantage of her innocence and kind heart; so we are always here for her to protect her innocent soul. She is the baby girl of our group and that will never change. Though no one is allowed to call her that except me. She is only my babygirl. And I will protect her with my life too.

On the other hand, we have fainat. Faisal and jannat. My baby girl and I gave them this ship name. They are the power couple of the group. They are legit so cute, their banters are amusing. You can't stop laughing when they are having their cute small banters😂 Faisu is the shy one of the two and my jaan is the bold one. And that left me shocked when I came to know Faisal was the one to propose her that too in front of the whole college. I teased jaan about it a lot like did she accepted the proposal so as not to embarrass him in front of the whole college😂? She denies it every time and we always pretend like we don't believe her but she knew we believe her. She definitely loves him a lot so she accepted the proposal because of that and no other reason. Jaan and I have a really good friendship. She is only my jaan for rest it's janu. After lots of convincing from faisu, I allowed him to call her jaan since she is his girlfriend after all. But other than me and him, no one and I repeat NO ONE is allowed to call her that. One thing I noticed about her is that she appears to be bold in front of faisu when we are with her but when we talk to her about him in his absence, even Faisu can't beat her shyness. And it's opposite for faisu. He will be the bold one in her absence when he is with us. It's like they have some different effects on each other in their presence. We are still trying to figure out this weird effect but it's still cute to watch them cozy, happy and contented with each other by their sides. Faisal is my and jaan's faisu and the rest of them calls him fais. When I called him faisu, jaan liked that name more and started calling him that too and others got a chance to call him fais as of before it was only jaan's right to call him that. I can't stop my jaan to call her boyfriend something so we were both fine with it. She didn't stop me because I found that nickname for him. You should have seen faisu's face when jaan called him faisu. He was so scared of my reaction but when I just smiled at jaan. He was so jealous of my and jaan's friendship. Because he had to do lots of convincing to me so that he can call my jaan by the name 'jaan' too and Jaan didn't have to do anything like that. The whole group was laughing at his reaction and were pitying him for the condition I put him through during all that fiasco.

Then there is Reem. She is my sweetheart. She is just like her name. She has a very sweet heart. She is the bold one in the whole group. No one can dare to come near us. Everyone fears her. But that is just for the outside world so that her closed ones are protected and safe from them. I am glad I am one of those closed ones. Everyone is scared of her but only if they have a bad intention towards us. The people who don't have any knows that she has a soft and a sweet heart. She can't see people in pain. She is studying medical for that reason only. She wants to help people who are in pain for free without any charges. And the people know that. She is good to good and worst to bad. You dare hurt any of us and you will pay for it. She will totally give you the bad girl vibes just like some stories but she is the soft one from inside. She shows that act for the world to not hurt her and her closed ones. Once you get close to her you will see her equally vulnerable side. She is an orphan. Her parents died in a car accident 5 years back. She was very like very close to them. She shifted here to start a new life. Her father was a businessman and had his property in the name of her since she was the only child so she can afford a living till she don't start earning herself. But she does a part-time job in the library from morning to afternoon shift to make some living herself and not depend on her parents property. That's what I like about her the most. She is an independent girl who even though have that much money for every need she still want to rely on herself. She just donates some amount from the property to the orphanage every month which is really sweet of her. She is a person who enjoys her life at all small moments. She lives her life in the present and she don't dwell on her past or worry about her future. "Life is too short to waste in worrying about our future or regret about our past." This is the motto of her life. She is really a sweetheart. My sweetheart❤.

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