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Avu's pov:

Miku: What's for dinner avu??

Avu: Pizza.

Everyone: Yesssss. You are the best.
They exclaimed happily.

Avu: Tom's idea not mine. Tell him that.
I laughed and prepared our dinner and served them. We all ate while talking and having fun then everyone went back to their rooms. Jai went with sweetheart tonight too. Godd I ship them!!! I went and got ready for my daily workout routine and left for my private gym room. 2 hours later I was done and took a hot shower and changed into my nightwear. Now the main task!! I sat with my laptop and started searching for things I need to know about. An hour or so passed by and its almost 2 am at night. Greattt!! I can leave now. I gathered my stuffs and left for my secret place since sleep was far away from me. It has been a while since I last went there. I grabbed a hoodie and wore it on top of my nightwear just in case I need to cover my face. I left quietly from the apartment and started walking to my favourite place. After about half an hour walk I was finally there. I walked towards the exact place observing the marks I have left so I don't lost my way there. In ten minutes I was finally here.

 In ten minutes I was finally here

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This place! It always calms me down. And the best part of the night is today is the full moon day!!! This night couldn't get any better!! I sat down near the stream on one of the rock there and dipped my legs in the water. Ahh! The feel of this! Complete bliss! So damn relaxing...I sat there for a while enjoying the silence then got up and laid down on the ground near the stream looking up at the stars filled sky gloryfying the beauty of the moon with their presence. Best way to end the hectic day. I love this place really! It has always been my comfort place; a place where i can relax without being worried of my life outside this place.....The night went by me lying down and gazing the beautiful sky.....It's 5:30 am now. I have to leave and go back to the apartment. I got back up cleaning myself up, washed my face with fresh water of the stream and left the place hoping I'll be back here soon. I left the forest area carefully looking out for any dangers. I started jogging till I reach the entrance of the complex and went inside. I reached at the elevator and luckily it was here on the ground floor only. I went inside and pressed 20. The doors were about to close when I saw abhishek running towards the elevator. Before I can think of anything my reflexes made my hand go between the doors and the doors opened. Abhishek came in rushing and breathed a sigh of relief. I noticed he is just in his sweatpants and his upper body is soaked with sweat. He had been going tough on himself🤔He saw me looking and gave me a tired smile. I smiled back and thought of starting a conversation.

Third person's pov:

Avu: Hiii....Jogging??
He nodded. He came and stand beside me.

Abhi: You??

Avu: Same. For how long??

Abhi: 1 and 1/2 hour....

Avu: Woahhh!!! I cant do more than 30 mins😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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