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Avu's pov:-

Miku: We will go by road sumu. So sunday we will leave in the morning and we will reach by monday evening.

Noor: Then we will stay there till friday afternoon and then leave and reach here back by saturday night.
They explained.

Abhi/sumi: Ohh okay.

We discussed everything of how will we go and all and then me, babygirl and sweetheart left for our university along with fainat for their shifts.

We were back to our apartment at around 4:45pm.

Faisu: I am gonna go shower and meet you all directly at the gym.
He said and babygirl started laughing.

Miku: Comeon fais. You will be all sweaty after going to the gym and you have to shower after coming back.

Reem: Why do we have to remind you this everyday??
She teased and he turned red from embarassment. Jaan and I laughed too.

Faisu: Because after doing the shift there I smell of food and I am sweaty. So I want to shower.
He whined.

Jaan: Oh comeon faisu. You are going to be sweaty there too at the gym. Why waste time right now in showering?
She laughed at him.

Avneet: Do you have other things to do faisu?? Do you have other plans in mind??
I smirked and asked him. Looking at his face I can say he understood what I was implying at. He was all red. We all saw it and started laughing hard.

Faisu: Shut up Avi. What the fuck are you saying?? I am coming to the gym with you all okayyyy??
He mumbled but I heard it and laughed.

Jaan: Ofcourse you are coming faisu. Guys let's go call others.

Avu: My things are at the gym itself so I don't need to take anything. You guys get your gym bag. Tom messaged me they all will meet us directly at the gym.
They all nodded and left towards their rooms to get their things while I waited outside for them. They came back in 3 mins and we left for the gym. Gym is 10 minutes walking distance from our place. We reached there around 5 talking and laughing freely.

Noor was already here waiting for us at her counter. We all went to her.

Avu: Hey noor. Where's everyone??
I asked while hugging her. Others did the same.

Noor: I called bhavu. They left just now. They will be here by 5:15 approximately.
We nodded.

Avu: Okay you guys talk. I'll just change and get my things ready upstairs.
They nodded and I left upstairs to the private area. I put in the password and went inside, changed and took my things which I will need and kept my bag back in its place before heading back downstairs.

I went down and saw everyone had arrived.

I went down and saw everyone had arrived

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