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Here's the next chapter!!!
Enjoy and give us your feedbacks. As we said in the last chapter, we hope you like this one and finds it interesting. Will see you again after the chapter completes.


Avneet's pov:

Bhavu: All set to go??
He asked everyone. They nodded.

Bhavu: Jerry, are you sitting comfortably?

Avu: I am tom. Let's goo.
With that we left.

Noone's pov:

The time when jaireem left:-

Jai: Dii has gone crazy. Blabbering nonsense.
He said hesitantly not liking his own words.

Reem: Exactly. And this sid!! I will not leave him. We look like a couple huh?? What nonsense is that?
She said too quickly for him to believe her words. He thought to tease her but reem suddenly hugged him from behind to avoid falling and also because she liked the feeling of him in her arms. He smiled contented and thought to complete what he thought.

Jai: By the way. You can't deny the bond and chemistry between us.
He teased and she blushed. Jai smiled knowing he is the reason she is blushing right now.

Jai: You know you look so cute when your cheeks are red.
He said lovingly. As if her cheeks were not looking like a tomato, they got even more red at his words.

Reem: Shut up and concentrate on riding jai.
She said shyly. He laughed.

Jai: My concentration is on what is important reemi.

Reem: Doesn't looks like that.
She said sarcastically.

Jai: Reemiii. I am concentrating on riding and just talking to you. I am not even looking back at you.
He laughed.

Reem: Oh Yeah??
She asked sarcastically.

Jai: Yess.
He said.

Jai: My concentration is on what is important to me; which is you ree.
He whispered to himself.

Reem: You said something? Sorry, I didn't hear you.
She removed her hands unknowingly while saying this. Jai noticed and missed her touch. It gave him another sort of comfort.

Jai noticed the empty road and stopped the cycle and got down. Reem looked at him confused.

Reem: Why did you stop-
Jai interrupted her.

Jai: Can you get down please?
He asked in his husky voice. She shivered at it and jai smiled internally seeing his effect on her.

Reem: But whyyy?
She asked confused looking around to see the empty road. No one in sight far away.

Jai: Get down reemi.
He said yet again in a low husky voice. She shivered again and got up from the seat to get down. She suddenly slipped and lost her balance. She was about to fall face first and when she realized what was happening she screamed and shut her eyes close tight to face the impact. Few seconds later, she realized that she didn't fall and that someone's arms are wrapped around her bare waist.

(If you don't remember; this is what she is wearing)

(If you don't remember; this is what she is wearing)

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