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Sorry for the late update guys. Anyways here is your chapter.

Noone's POV when Sumellika left:-

Sumedh started pedalling the bicycle while Mallika was sitting behind him. She was having double thoughts whether to put her hands on his shoulders for support or not. At last she did. Sumedh was surprised by this act of her's but decided not to read too much into it because he saw her struggling before on what to do so he thought to start a conversation to make her comfortable.

Sumedh: It was such a tiring day, right?

Mallika: yep...Everyone's drained out. It's visible on their faces. But I am happy that ash opened up to all of us. I know how difficult it would have been for her to keep a secret like that for a long time.

Sumedh just hummed as he was lost in his own thoughts. He never liked being in this mafia business but he didn't have a choice. Then he just accepted his fate and surrendered to it. Mallika understood his silence and couldn't stop herself from saying.

Mallika: You know it's not your fault. You just did what u had to do at that time.... Don't let it decide how you should live your life.....
She said in a soft voice enough for him to hear her. Immediately, a hint of regret passed through his face but as Mallika was sitting at the backseat she had no idea what he was feeling. He thought of changing the topic.

Sumedh: Thank you for saying that. It really means a lot to me. You can't even imagine how much. Anyways, leave all this. You tell me something about yourself.
He said cheerfully.

Mallika: Okayyy....But what do you wanna know???
She asked confused.

Sumedh: Anything and everything. Like what are your likes, dislikes, what is your dream? Your passion, your wishes that you want to come true, anything basically. Things which no one knows maybe or things which you would want me to know about you.....
He started rambling and Mallika smiled on his attempt to know her. So she went on and on from her favourite movies, songs to her favourite food item, etc. While on the other side Sumedh was enjoying her company. Suddenly he got the idea of teasing her about her lovelife.

Sumedh: So you are waiting for love of your life, huh?
He smirked. Mallika's cheek heated up unknowingly and she just hummed.

Sumedh: How do you want him to be??
He pushed further.

Mallika: I dont know....I dont have any types. Because I believe in "Love happens in most unexpected way with unexpected person at unexpected time" And that's why I just wish for my love to find me one day. I don't have any list that he should be this, he should have that. I just want him to love me unconditionally, trust me over anyone and be loyal to me.
Sumedh hummed hearing her and was in deep thoughts about how different she thinks from him about her love. He wanted her love to be purely innocent or he wouldnt fall in love with her. He wanted that specific type of girl as if no other girl deserves to be with him if she don't satisfy his description.

Sumedh: Soooo....Still no luck in finding him, huh???
He asked sacred. Though, knowing the answer already but still wanted to confirm from her.

Mallika: Nope....
She pouted.

Sumedh: You know, you should keep your eyes open...Who knows he must be near you onlyyy??
He said in a flirty tone. She understood the hidden meaning behind his words.

Mallika: Hmm maybe...But I can't see him here atleast right now. Can you see him??
She asked with a glint of mischievousness in her eyes.

Sumedh: Yes I can. See he is sitting with you.
He said in a flirty voice.

Mallika: You are talking about yourself? Uhhh....No I don't think so it's you.
She said in a teasing tone.

Sumedh: Ouch!! That hurts.
He said faking a hurtful expression. She laughed.

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