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And he left. For other people it sounded normal as they were neighbours. But something about his tone told Avneet that there was some hidden meaning behind his wordsss. She knew she had to find out anyhow what he meant. His voice sounded so smug as if he knew something she is unaware of.

She was so bothered by his words, that she 'almost' didn't hear her phone ring.

Luckily she picked up the call just before the person was about to hang up. She went inside and closed the door behind her seeing the caller id.

The conversation from her side goes like:

Avneet: Hello.
Avneet: Yes I have reached.
Avneet: Yes I have heard the name of the café just a while back.
Avneet: Yess I am thinking of working there. He seems a bit too friendly but I guess I will handle him for the sake of my work.
Avneet: Uhh...I don't know what to say about that. But I assure you, this won't come in between my work and I don't want it to get awkward between him and me. I can't get awkward with the person who is leading me and will be my boss. But I need time to think this through. It's not easy to choose someone just like that.
Avneet: Yes I understand. I will do this job.
Avneet: Okay I promise...I have given it a thought and told you about it.
Avneet: Yes, I am not.
Avneet: Okay...I will meet them by today.
Avneet: Thank you for everything once again. You are really helping me with all this a lot.
Avneet: Yess... I know but still it means a lot to me. (But what about university? she thought) What about the university schedule?
Avneet: Okay, then I think I can handle those timings.
Avneet: Yess, I know.... It will be convenient since it's near the café only. I won't have any problem I think. Plus if he will be there to talk about the timings and all with me then that is much better.
Avneet: Thank you for trusting me. I will talk to him.
Avneet: Okay bye.

The person ended the call.
She saw the time and it's showing 10:30.

She started checking her new house since she just came inside because of the call. To say she was so happy will be an understatement. She noted all the places where she felt like doing changes as she wants.


Wowww!!! The place is really good and as I thought. It's really really big. I need to make many changes as per my liking though. But overall the place is nice. I really liked it.

Now let's get done with this unpacking first so that I can take a shower. And then I have to go talk to him😫. I went in the room which I decided will be mine out of the other rooms I saw. It's moderate in size from all the other rooms. But it's way bigger than the one I had in Mumbai. Oh Goddd!!!!! Can't you just make me forget Mumbai please? I don't want to remember anything about that city😖Why can't I just get all of that out of my head? I don't want to see those flashes🥺 I came here to start my new life. Remembering Mumbai will make it worse and more difficult for me😣

I started unpacking with every memory of Mumbai still going on in my mind😞I have to divert my mind. I'll go look around the city after talking to him. Maybe he could accompany me.

It took me half an hour to unpack my clothes. Then I cleaned my room, 3 guest rooms, kitchen, living room. It took me 2 more hours to clean every corner of the house.

Its 1 in the afternoon now. I went and took a shower and also did my daily routine. I mean my cutting session😔I wasn't able to today in the morning because of all the leaving to come here.

After taking the shower, I came out in my room wrapped in a towel. I got dressed quickly. My hairs were still wet so I let it open till they dry up. And grabbed a scrunchie to tie my hair when they are dry.

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