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Avneet's Pov:-

Avneet: Ummm....I can't think of one right now. Let me get to know you better then I will give you one too which no one will be allowed to use🤪.

Abhishek: Right😂Now Shall we?

Avneet: Yeppp.

We went upstairs and saw everyone still trying to calm siddharth. His face was covered with his hands so we can't see his face but he was shaking wildly which told us he was still crying badly.

 His face was covered with his hands so we can't see his face but he was shaking wildly which told us he was still crying badly

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My heart break again at the sight of him. No one noticed us coming. I turned to face abhishek.

Avneet: Please Abhishek, go and talk to him....I can't see him like this. Look at him. He loves you a lot. Please hear him out.
I whispered, pleading him.

Abhishek: I would have teased you right now but the time is not right. Even I can't look at him like this. I will talk to him and hear him out. I promise. Stop worrying now. Okay?

Avneet: Hmmm.
He turned to siddharth and called him out.

Abhishek: Choteeee!!!!
Finalllyyyyy!!!!! He called him Chote.

Siddharth suddenly looked up and saw abhishek. His eyes was swollen and all red. Abhishek and I were overwhelmed to see him in this state. Both of us gave each other concerned looks. Abhishek was blaming himself for everything that happened to Siddharth, I can see that clearly on his face. His eyes were glistening and I can see he will start crying any moment too. He was guilty for shouting at him like this. I nodded at him assuring him to go ahead and talk to him. He understood and went to him.

Everyone was looking at our exchange but we didn't bother to acknowledge them as of now because right now nothing is more important than to calm siddharth and sort out these two brothers fight. Siddharth got up from the floor and abhishek run towards him and hugged him tightly. Both had tears in their eyes. We all too.

Sid: Dadaaa....I....I am so sorry. I understand why you are angry on me. But please hear me out. I will never do anything like this again without your permission. Please Dadaa talk to me.
He said crying yet again. Abhishek turned to look at me asking me whether he should forgive him or not. I nodded at him to forgive him and signed him that he learnt his lesson already. He understood and nodded then turned to siddharth. Vaishnavi saw that and she was tensed to see our exchange. I will sort this later with her.

Abhi: I know chote. I know. You have your reason. I am not angry at you anymore. You realized your fault and I believe that you will not repeat this again. So you are forgiven. But I want to know the reason. Calm down and tell me everything. Okay?

Abhishek said rubbing siddharth's back to calm him which he did after listening to what abhishek said.

Siddharth: Thank you...thank you so much dada for forgiving me. I promise I won't repeat this ever again in my life.

We all settle down again and siddharth told abhishek the reason for why he told us about the mafia business of his dad. (The one on the phone conversation with sumi)

Abhi: I knew you must have a reason for what you did. And I am proud of you chote for not letting me down.
Abhishek smiled at him. Everyone were happy too. I smiled looking at them back to normal too. Abhishek saw that and mouthed 'Thank you' to which I just smiled and shook my head at him. Now my sweetheart being herself she spoke and everyone started with their questioning session following her🤦‍♀️

Reem: Why did avu come with you?

Vaish: What were you two talking with your eyes while standing there?

Bhavu: How come you are suddenly so calm abhi bhai?

Faisu: Were you two together all this while?

Janu: Answer us both of you.

Miku: It looks like you two know each other since years and you haven't met just now.

Sid: Avu I thought you left. How come you both showed up together? It isn't a coincidence, is it? And what are all of them saying? Is all that true?

Abhishek and I were looking at them with wide eyes. We both looked at each other and as if we can read each others mind we said.

Abhi/avu: Will you let us speak first?

Abhi: Questioning us all together.

Avu: Let us answer one by one.

Abhi/Avu: We are not some robot to do multitasking😑. We are humans for god's sake.

Everyone looked at both of us shocked to see us completing each others sentences. We sighed.

Abhi: We were in the backyard of the gym. She was sitting there when I went there too and saw her lost in her thoughts. I just sat there with her trying to calm myself down.

Avu: I noticed him when he sat with me and we talked for a while. Then we came upstairs so that abhishek can talk to siddharth. And the rest you know.
I shrugged. My group was looking at me with wide eyes. I know what's coming next😑

Avu's group: You....You talked with abhi bhai/dada. The person you met just now????
They asked surprised with my answer.

Vaish: And he comes up like nothing happened all calm and relax?
She asked with shock. Okay I get it why she is being like this but I will talk to her later about this.

Siddharth was also eyeing us both with a questioning gaze. I looked at abhishek to see him looking at siddharth too. Abhishek too saw him looking at us like that. He will get a wrong idea. Actually not exactly the wrong idea. Siddharth looks at me like that only. Though he didn't realize it as I can see confusion on his face whenever he look at me along with...along know what I mean. Sigh!!

Avu: Yes I talked to him. The person I just met. I don't know why I did but it happened. We were just talking about random things though.

Abhi: And those random talks made me forget I was even angry at chote. So we came up here to sort out the fight.
Abhishek said shrugging nonchalantly.
You are expert at lying and pretending abhishek. I am impressed. But your lying won't work on me. I hope I don't regret making you a family member.

Janu: Fine. Now since everything is sorted let's just pl....

My phone rang and interrupted jaan in between.

Avu: Umm sorry about that. Just a second.

I checked my phone to see....


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