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She went to janu and hugged her.

Ashnoor: Janu, I promise I will tell you all, the reason why I didn't tell you about him but I can't now. I need some time. It's very complicated. I need to make sure this will not break our friendship. Please try to understand me. I don't want this friendship to be broken into pieces, janu.

Reem took a deep breath and said.

Reem: You want some time to tell us...Take it...But let me tell you. You can tell us anything and I mean it ash...ANYTHING....And it won't affect our friendship instead it will make it stronger by sharing your deepest and darkest secrets ash. I am not mad at you. Neither they are. We are just shocked to know this. We too don't want to break this precious bond just because of some secrets. That's the reason we are asking you to share it. It's not for our curiosity but for you. You will not be scared of anyone using it against you. You will not be scared if someone comes suddenly to us and tell us this secret of yours. We accepted you as our friend. We will accept your flaws too. We will correct you where you are wrong and will support you when you are right. We won't let any worst thing too to break us all apart. It won't affect our friendship, I promise you that. You can still take time to tell us if you want to. We will not force you for anything. Take your time. But promise us, whenever you are ready and have given it a thought, you won't hesitate ash. Please.
Reem said with teary eyes. Hearing her say all that, Ashnoor went to reem and hugged her tight sobbing. Reem started crying too and hugged her back so tight as if she don't want to take any chances to lose her sister.

Ashnoor: I...I sorry reemi. I were my first friend here in the locality where I was totally new. I met bhavu through you when I moved out from my house to live alone. Sid bhai I left after you were gone. I missed you a lot there. Sumi didn't get the chance to meet me. Whenever he comes there, it was for dad's work. Dad always kept him busy. He had your help to meet me too when you were there since you can make dad do things what you want him to. But after you left, that help was gone too. He used to come with you here too to workout together but after you left, dad built up a gym in the house itself so he can't meet me. Dad never allowed me to go in that gym so I couldn't meet him there. He was always busy with something or the other. When you left, he didn't have excuses. No one was able to pay attention to me or even ask me how am I doing in my life. I felt lonely. So I moved out and started living in the same apartment as them. I met reem first. She introduced me to everyone. I found a family there. You were too protective of me. You didn't let me be friends with anyone you haven't met personally. I thought about making them meet you but you were not even here and I was scared you won't let me be friends with them so I didn't tell you. Even dada didn't get the time for me. (Everyone thought she is referring dada to her grandpa except avu and bhavu) I told dada to tell me whenever you are coming back. But he didn't. I can't leave this family. I am so sorry for hiding this from you bhai. Reemi, (She said with tears in her eyes) You....were the first here in the locality to...made me feel...sis...sister love. I know I have hurt you so bad but I can't help it....I was so scared of losing you...of losing my family which is you all....I can still tell you this now...but...but I don't know how to say it😭

No one was able to see ashnoor like that including avu. Atlast everyone felt like avu has to step in.

Reem/Miku/Janu/Faisu/Bhavu: Avu/Avi/Jerry we need you....Sh needs you.....Please.....Now🥺

Sid and sumi looked at her confused but also concerned for ashu.

Avu looked at them all and nodded.
Avu: Hmm.....Nooorrr, You trust me, right?
She said in such a soft voice. Siddharth was just not able to stop himself from admiring her this voice. He composed himself and looked at ashu. Reem let go of ashnoor and ashnoor nodded at avu. Avu stepped towards her and stretched her arms open and ashnoor run to her and hugged her. It was the time throughtout this arguement when Avu has to take the matter in her own hands since it's not over yet. This is the longest one since she know them, and the problem is not yet solved. She started caressing her hair. Sid and sumi were watching both of them attentively. Sid was looking at both of them with admiration in his eyes. Avu looked at reemi.

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