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They had dinner at the same place and then they left for the IMPRESSO ESPRESSO cafè.

They reached the café talking on the way him explaining more things about the city and her job and her listening to each and every word carefully.

Suddenly...her phone started vibrating in her hands. She saw the caller id and it was her mom.

Her face paled. She knew she had to call them but she was missing them so much that she didn't knew how to talk to them. She was scared she might not be able to pretend anymore in front of them.

Bhavesh noticed her reaction.

Bhavesh: Hey hey hey....relax okay...just pick up the call and talk to them....I know it's difficult for you but you can't avoid them like this forever. You have to talk to them one day. Or they will be worried for you every moment. Now do you want that to happen??

He said soothingly to make her calm down. The phone call disconnected but she was too scared to pick up or call again.

Avneet: You don't know anything. It's too difficult for me to talk to them.

Bhavesh: I know that it's difficult. But I even know you can pretend really good to make others happy and stress free. That's what you will do now. I promise you...Everything will be fine. Talk to them. Be the strong girl I have heard of. Be the strong girl I know. Make them happy or because of they being worried for you, they can drop by here anytime....

She looked at him with an overwhelm look on her face. She was wondering how could he say such things so easily? How could he manage to assure her? What did he mean by he knows? Almost 7 calls came and ended with her not picking up.

Avneet: How do you even....

Bhavesh: Shhh....I will tell you everything but not now. It's not the right time. You have to talk to them and take care of this situation first. Look your mom already called you 8 times. They will be worried. So pick up the call Yeahh??

She took a deep breath and nodded. She rubbed her face and prepared herself for this dreadful conversation. Before she could pick up the 9th call, the call disconnected. She looked towards bhavesh scared. Bhavesh gave her a 'what's wrong' look and at that moment her phone started ringing again. She looked at her phone and turned the screen for bhavesh to look at with a blank face. Bhavesh saw it's a video call and understood why she was scared just now.

Bhavesh: Pick up the call. I promise you it will be fine.
He said with a surity in his tone and avneet sighed and nodded. She picked up the video call. Bhavesh switched on the lights of the car.

Avneet's mom:-

Mom: Where were you? Why weren't you picking up my calls? You know how much worried we were for you? We are calling you since 15 mins and you are not picking up

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Mom: Where were you? Why weren't you picking up my calls? You know how much worried we were for you? We are calling you since 15 mins and you are not picking up....
Avneet looked at bhavesh and he nodded signing her that they were rather talking for almost 15 mins to calm her down.

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