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Heyyy guyyysssss!!!!! We are back with another chapter!!!! Sorry for making you wait for a week. Enjoy the chapter and do give us your feedbacks. AND WE WILL LOVE IT IF YOU GUYS WILL SPAM THE CHAPTER🥺WILL LOVE TO READ THE COMMENTS😁 Okay enough of our talking, you guys enjoy😉

Reem's Pov:-

I opened the door slowly and went inside tiptoeing. When I closed the door and turned to walk towards my bed, there he was sitting on my bed wide awake.

Holy shit!!!!

I am gone now for sure. What will I tell him now?

Jai: Where were you? And why are you wearing different nightsuit??
He asked looking at me suspiciously.

Reem: Damn it Jaiju!! You scared me. A little warning next time please.
I said scared.

Jai: What do you expect me to do? What will you do if you wake up at 3am in the middle of the night and find me missing?? I scared you?? I was shitscared to find you missing at 3 Ree.
He said anger and concern clear in his voice. I feel guilty now but I can't help it. And atleast I got to know what time he woke up.

Reem: I just went for a walk since I got up at 2:30 and after trying for 20 mins to sleep, but I couldn't. I am so sorry for worrying you but you were sleeping peacefully so I couldn't wake you up to tell you. Won't repeat next time, I promise. Or if it happens, I will leave a note for you so you don't get worried.
I said in a guilty tone and his eyes softened. He passed me a soft smile and pat on the bed next to him signing me to go to him. I smiled happily and obliged.

Jai: Never do that again. I wasn't angry but just worried for you.
He side hugged me and I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck sighing contently. I can feel him smiling as he rested his face on mine. Thankfully he didn't get to know anything. I don't know what I would have done if he will come to know the truth today. We sat like that for few minutes enjoying just the presence of each other beside us.

Jai: Come now. Let's go back to sleep. We can't compromise our sleep.
I nodded and we went back to sleep like before.

Jai's Pov:-

I woke up at 6:15 and the first thing I saw after waking up was her. I can do anything to wake up to this everyday. She looks so peaceful while sleeping. My cute little girl. The innocence that is now on her face gets replaced by the strong and bold look when she is awake. I do Love my strong Ree, but I can't deny that this innocent ree has my heart. I was just admiring her when suddenly she opened her eyes and as she saw me she gave me that loving sleepy smile and I can give up anything to see this every morning. The love she has for me is overwhelming. It all feels like a dream to me.

Jai: Good morning ree.
I kissed her forehead. She smiled happily.

Reem: Morning Jaiju.
She hugged me and burried her face in my chest.

Jai: Sleep for some more time. You slept late last night.
I said while caressing her hair. Her hair is silk smooth. I just love her hair. Screw it. I love everything about her. Her personality and looks both are a deadly combination.

Reem: I have work jaiju. 9am shift in library. Then I have to go to university too.
She said in a tired voice.

Jaiju: Ree it's just 6:30. You still have time.
I tried to convince her.

Reem: I am fine jaiju. Let's get ready quick. Avu will be up by now. We should go there.
She said to me in finality tone. I sighed.

Jai: Okay. Let's go.
We got out of bed, went to different bathrooms. She in her personal one and I went in the guest room's one. We did our morning chores. I was done by 7.

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