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Avu's pov when they left:-

We left immediately and me and tom were at the last. We can keep an eye on everything from here. Also I need this time to calm myself. Too much happened tonight. And we have so much to do after midnight. Jai also showed up suddenly. No information about mom, dad. Siddharth's behaviour is giving me a headache. I am glad though everything turns out to be good at the end of the night but I don't know how much more can I pretend to be alright and like nothing is bothering me??

Bhavu: Jerryyyy, Now tell me what happened? Jai suddenly showed up and I know how difficult it is for you to be around him. Talk to me Jerry. I know right now you are thinking about everything happening around you. Give yourself a break. You really need it.
He said with a worried tone. He definitely is frowning right now.

Avu: I don't even know myself what's happening around Tom. Jai suddenly showed up. I can't even ask him why is he here? That will be soo rude considering I didn't go to meet them once in these 2 years. I don't know how long will he stay here. I am tired Tom. I am tired of everything. It's too much. It's all too much. Today only Abhinavi, Siddharth and sumedh had to show up. Noor was so tensed and scared about our encounter. We both already knew atleast about her family being the mafia. Vaishnavi's family thing too. Sumedh's was something we didn't know and their lives behind this whole mafia facade. I feel bad for them. For abhishek. For everyone of them. Did you notice sumedh's tensed posture when abhishek decided to tell jai everything? Something is fishy there too. I talked to abhishek today when we were in the backyard. He was tired of all this. He needs a break. He needs freedom. We have to make him free from all this somehow. Babygirl took the whole mafia thing so well. No one knows about her properly. She can be the badass when needed. She was so calm when they were telling us everything.
I said everything that I think was important for him to know. All this time he was just listening to me absorbing everything I told him.

Bhavu: I know Jerry. I know you are tired. That's why I am telling you since a year to take a break. But everytime you indulge more in everything. Get yourself busy in everything and everyone around. Live for yourself too jerry. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. It's been two years since I have seen you personally living for others only. I know before that too you have been living for them only not for you. You know we all feel like you always have something to give us and we are doing what? Just sharing our problems, our life with you?? Where are you in all this? What about your likes and dislikes? What about your life jerry? I am happy for noor. She is finally feeling so relaxed sharing everything with us. Everyone around us is so happy. Jai is a sweet guy. Try to bond with him. You know he will do anything to make you happy jerry.
He said in a soft tone trying to calm me, convince me. What effect it had? Nothing.

Avu: Tom, talking about jai. As far as I know him and sweetheart; one of them definitely would have confessed. Their feelings for each other were pent up since two years. So I am sure they would have confessed and might be the next couple of our group.
I said with a serious tone to tell him we are done talking about me. It's business time. He sighed.

Bhavu: Again got into work mode hah? Fine!! If what you are saying is true; then I am very happy for them. But there is something more. What is it? Speak.
He said in a serious tone too which calmed me knowing we dropped my topic.

Avu: If that's what comes out to be true, then sweetheart won't be doing it tonight. I will be the one to do it.
I said serious.

Bhavu: What the hell are you saying? Why do you think I will agree to this??
He asked shocked then utterly calm. Ughh!!

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