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Ashnoor: Sure you will😉. Bye Bhavu.

They left from there to go to the apartment.

Avneet: Finally!!! Now we can go to the apartment...I will meet the neighbours and then I can go to your private gym room, right??

Bhavesh: Yesss, You can😊.

Avneet: Oh thank god!!! I thought you will tell me now that we have to do one more thing today.

Bhavesh: Oh damnnn....Thank you for reminding me...

Her face paled.

Avneet: No wayyy....wait youuuu. Do you really think this is funny😠??

Bhavesh: 😂Sorry sorry...It's just that your face...omg😂

Avneet: Yeah whatever. (She smiled looking at his face) Concentrate on the road. I don't want to die so soon.

He laughed at her response and noticed her smiling from the rearview mirror.

Bhavesh: You know....You don't have to hide it. You can smile in front of me😊.

Avneet was shocked. He cannot see her face. Her hair was covering her face from him. That's the reason she let out the smile and didn't control it. How come he still see it??

Bhavesh: I guess I know you better than you think I do😁.

Avneet: Oh shut up. By the way, you like her don't you??

She said wiggling her eyebrows to change the topic from her. After all she had a promise to complete. He knows she is trying her best to control herself by trying to divert her mind and the conversation from her. She is trying to keep her promise she made to him. So he played along.

Bhavesh: What makes you think that? And who exactly are you talking about?

Avneet: Oh come on. Don't try to be dumb. You know exactly who I am talking about.

Bhavesh: Nooo...I really don't know.
He said trying to sound honest. But it's Avneet he is trying in front of. It's not gonna work.

Avneet: Bhaveshhh.

Bhavesh: Ughhh!!! Fine....Yess I like her. Not from now but since a year now.
He said blushing.

Avneet: Ooooo....That's cute. You are blushing.

Bhavesh: Plzzz not now😳.

Avneet: 😂Okay okay...I will leave you this time. But let me tell you. She is really good for you. As in as far as I observed her today while talking to her, she seems like a nice girl. Sooo...I will just say, go for it...She looks worth it😊.

Bhavesh: Yeahh. She is really cute and a soft hearted girl and hopefully not like her.
He said scratching the back of his neck nervously and murmured the last line to himself but avu heard it and let it slide for now seeing he didn't wanted her to know about whatever he was saying yet.

Avneet: Hmm.

They reached the apartment just then. Bhavesh parked the car and both of them got out and walked towards the elevator. They pressed the button and entered inside.

Avneet: Bhavesh. Can I ask you something?

Bhavesh: Go ahead.
They reached on their floor.

Bhavesh: Let's go to my house. I will call everyone there.

Avneet: Okay.
They went towards his house. He unlocked his door and both of them went inside. Avneet settled on the couch. Bhavesh kept the groceries in his kitchen for the time being, called everyone to meet him and avneet at his house and grab a glass of water for avneet.

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