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Here's the next chapter guyss....Enjoy and do give us your feedbacks😉

Faisu's pov when they left:-

We left and were leading to show abhinavi the way to our apartment when jaan rested her head on my back and hugged me from back. Talk about peace and satisfaction! This is my exact definition. Her holding me for her comfort. Her finding comfort in me. I love her with my life.

Jaan: It was such an eventful day.
Her tone sounds tired.

Faisu: Yes it was. But I am glad it ended on a good point.
I said relieved of the outcome.

Jaan: Thank god for that or else I don't even want to imagine what would have happened to our friendship.
She said horrified. Even I am shitscared imagining it.

Faisu: Ash looked so relieved after she told us everything though. I am really happy for her.
I said smiling.

Jaan: Yeah. Now that I imagine myself in her place, I can imagine how difficult it was for her to tell us about sid and everyone. I would have been scared too for our friendship.
She sounds guilty. I feel guilty too thinking about her words.

Faisu: Yes. Maybe I wouldn't have told you all too if I would be in her shoes. But I am really proud of her. She came out honest and fearless. Taking risk to make our friendship stronger than before.
I said feeling proud of her.

Jaan: Definitely.
She smiled brightly.

I remembered about avi's msg and thought to remind jaan incase she would have forgotten about it during all this chaos.

Faisu: Jaan.
I called to grab her attention. She hummed asking me to continue.

Faisu: You remember about avu's msg right?
I asked.

Jaan: Her signing us about 1am?
She asked.

Faisu: Yess. She msged us in the morning about it and thankfully reminded us by signing. I seriously have forgotten about it during all this chaos.
I told her.

Jaan: Yess I remember. We will meet them at 1. Get ready on time.
She said strictly.

Faisu: I will. I just thought of reminding you.
I shrugged.

Jaan: Yeah okay. But I am tired today mentally. It's been too much for me tonight.
She whined.

Faisu: I know jaan. Trust me I know.
I said equally tired as her.

Jaan: I need a distraction to relax my mind.
She whined yet again. She sounds like a child. I smiled to myself. Then I got an idea. Let's tease her.

Faisu: Jaan. I have an idea which can distract you and relax you.
I said smiling.

Jaan: Oh what is it?
She asked a bit excited. Haha.

Faisu: I can't tell you but if you want I can show it to you.
I smirked because she can't see my face.

Jaan: Ohh then show me.
She sat straight in excitement not breaking the hug but I miss the feel of her head resting comfortably on my back. Anyways I don't want to get distracted. Let's focus on what I am doing. She need this distraction for later. I smirked and replied.

Faisu: I can't show you here. Everyone will see. I'll show you in our room. I promise you will be distracted and relaxed.
After hearing what I said, she was quite for some time. Great!! She understood😂Now this will be fun.

Faisu: What happened jaan? Say something.

Jaan: Noth...Nothing happ....happened. Yo...You mean distraction?
She stuttered in nervousness. Damn sure she is blushing so much right now. I wish I could see her cute red face right now.

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