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Ashnoor: Okay soo my dad is the mafia king of India. All other small gangs and mafia groups are under him.
She said with no expression. She looked at everyone's expression to see them numb. She looked towards sid and he nodded at her to continue but she denies so he sighed and continued.

Sid: He do all his illegal works behind our Multinational Company 'Nigam Enterprises'.

Ashnoor realises it's her truth to be told. People sitting there are her friends and not siddharth's. So she continues further tking a much needed deep breath.

Ashnoor: My mom died after giving me birth so I felt mother's love and affection from sid bhai, dada and vaishu di. Sid bhai has that manipulative skills which is very helpful in the mafia world so dad wanted him to be the heir. But he denied. He didn't wanted to go in the mafia business. He don't want me to be the heir neither I wanted to be. I opened this gym since I wanted to do something of my own and Sid bhai somehow convinced dad to make me the owner and Dada helped to keep the papers with me anyhow.
Sid saw ashnoor being overwhelmed remembering all these things so he continued. He squeezed her hand and looked towards bhavesh. Bhavesh understood and started rubbing her back in a comforting way while he was already hugging her.

Sid: When I denied to be the heir, Dada being the eldest thought that it's his responsibility to take care of us after mom's death and so he agreed to be the heir on a condition that dad won't stop ashu and me from doing whatever we want in our life. Dad needs someone to be his heir so he agreed to dada's condition and stopped bothering ashu. He still bothers me but I can handle him. Dada sacrificed himself for our freedom but he lost his freedom. I still managed to convince dad to let dada hangout with his girlfriend atleast. I can fight for myself and ashu. Even ashu can fight for herself though she was never asked to be the heir but she wasn't allowed to do anything. She was still adamant and determined to get what she wants. And she eventually got it. Dada and I tried our best to give her the life she deserves.

Ashnoor: Dada don't fight for himself. He takes what life throws on him. He never tries to convert it into his favour. He always makes sacrifices for us. Before he agreed in front of dad to be the heir, we told him many times not to do this for us and that we can fight for ourselves but he thought our lives will be ruined and he being the eldest took it on him that we are his responsibility so he agreed. He is the right hand of dad now.

Sid: Dada's girlfriend Vaishnavi di knew all this. He agreed because of her too so that dad don't do anything to her or harm her. Vaishnavi di lived with us so dada thought she has a threat to her life. She moved out a year back like ashu did 3 years back.

Ash: Sumi is with us since childhood. Dad had given him shelter for his own benefit so that sumi will always be under debt of him. Sumi had some influence of him so he behaves that way sometimes but he is a good person from heart. He also works for the mafia. He was trained since childhood like all three of us. Me and sid bhai uses all that training now for our self defense.

Ashnoor: And bhai, diiii moved out??!!!!
She shouted surprised.

Sid nodded.

Ashnoor: Then why didn't she meet me?

Sid: As far as I know I think she still has a threat. Dad still has an eye on her activities. So dada might have not let her meet you or something.

Ashnoor: Oh okay.

Ashnoor: So this is my secret which I was hiding from you all. You guys are not related to any of these stuffs before so I was scared for your lives to be in threat. I was scared of your reaction to all these illegal stuffs. Scared that you might think low of me because of my dad or break all the relations so your lives won't be in threat. I was selfish since I didn't want to lose ny one of you. But I know I can't hide such a thing from you forever. And now I know all the things I was scared about was stupid. I know you will understand that none of this is my fault. You all won't leave for something which is not even in my hands to do something about.
She said looking at each one of them in their eyes. Showing everyone that each word she said was truth and she is not scared anymore about their reactions.

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