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Author's note:-



Avu for some reason was bothered too much which shouldn't happen but she was. She was denying it again and again and went downstairs and out in the lawn at the backside of the gym. Everyone saw her leaving but no one dared to stop her at this time.

Sid's side:-

Sid saw her signing bhavu and him signing ashu. Then ashu suddenly came and hugged him. Seeing that avu left to go downstairs. He was not only crying for abhishek but also because avneet left him in that condition just like that. Unknowingly he was expecting her to do something for him just like she did for ashu. He wanted to be as close to her as ashu is to her. He wanted her to do something for comforting him but...But she didn't. She sent ashu for comforting and look out for him but didn't try herself which hurt him intensely.

He was feeling some weird feelings he never felt before. Loneliness was one of them which he could point out and it was for the first time. Abhi was angry at him. Avu went from there. These both were the reasons for the loneliness he was feeling. Abhi's situation he understands but what about avu? Why he felt that he was being left alone when avu left? It was messing up his head.

Sid: Please dada. Listen to me. There's a reason why I told them about all this.
He said crying badly. Everyone came to him and hugged him to assure him that they were there but the people he want assurance from were not with him.

Abhi looked at him and left from there angrily.

Sid: What do I do now? I lost him. He is not even ready to listen to me. Did I mess up that bad? Was I really wrong in all this? WHAT SHOULD I DOOO???
He shouted the last part.

Everyone had tears seeing him like this.

Vaish: Sid sid....calm down please. I will talk to abhay.

Sumi: He can't stay angry at you.

Ashu: You were not wrong sid bhai.

Others were saying soothing words to calm him down like"It will be okay" "Everything will be fine" "They will explain abhi" and many more. But people he wanted to hear those from were not there with him. Avneet and Abhishek leaving were the only things his mind was playing again and again and he was crying for them, craving for their concern and comfort actually.

Avu's side when she came down:-

Avu's Pov:-

What's happening to me? Why is it bothering me so much to see siddharth like this? I just met him 3 hours back. I understand abhishek is not wrong. Being a Mafia member, specially family iof the mafia king is a really big thing. But I was shocked to see that scared look on abhishek's face. He is not scared because we came to know about their secret but because we can be in danger since we know about them now. But Siddharth is not wrong either. But why am I even thinking about my opinions? I am always the wrong one in front of everyone so what's the point in keeping my opinions? I will be proved wrong not by them but by the situations again. My advices and opinions will give rise to trouble and problems in the life of people who listened to my perspectives proving me wrong again!! Ughhh!!! I came down here to clear my mind and I am thinking about all this again. I remember that I saw siddharth seeing every action of mine as if he was trying to read me, read my every action. He looked at me like he need me there to be with him, to comfort him, to assure him that everything will be fine. But how will I even do it? I am not the person for that thing. I suck at comforting people. I have experienced that my whole life. I was never the one who could comfort upset people let alone my family. But I knew he was expecting something, atleast some sort of action of comfort from me towards him, to show him that I care and I knew I can't so the only person who I can think of at that moment to atleast do all that was Noor. Noor can comfort him. So I signed tom to tell noor to go and comfort siddharth. Which she did but I still saw him looking at me the whole time even after she was trying to comfort him. I knew he wanted me to do all that but he won't understand that I can't. It hurts. I don't know why. But it hurts so much to see him this broken. Abhishek why are you doing this to him? I understand your reason but atleast you should have hear him out. Abhishek I can see you guys are good at nature but it's circumstances that made you all like this. Noor was far away from the business since childhood. She studied in the boarding school where she was bullied by other children. She was scared to make friends. But she didn't let it affect her. Which only a strong person from heart can do. She was always ready to meet new people thinking not everyone is same. You guys made it a resolution to give her mother's love and affection which is so thoughtful of you but you never concentrated on yourself either. You guys needed that too. You guys needed that love and affection too. Noor was always worried about you whenever she told me about how you guys take care of her like a mother does. Abhishek you made sure noor is happy and you fought for her rights but you never made sure that you have to fight for yourself too to get your rights. You have to fight with the world to stay a good person at heart. I saw siddharth fighting for himself, abhishek and noor. Noor fought for herself. Abhishek fought for noor. But he sacrificed himself for them. He never fought for himself. He just accepted what situations throw on him and never tried to change the circumstances for all three of them's good. Sacrificing for your loved ones is overwhelming and so sweet of you but those loved ones don't want to see you sacrificing your life, dreams and happiness too abhishek just like you don't want to see them sacrificing anything for you.

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