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Read the author's note after the chapter:)

Avneet's Pov:-

They all nodded and I went to her room. Entering her room, I saw the cutest thing ever. Jai and Sweetheart are sleeping on the bed cuddling. Spoon cuddle to be precise. Now I am definitely sure they have confessed to each other. I'll take a picture and then wake sweetheart. I clicked their picture and went near the bed tiptoeing. Jai is a deep sleeper so he won't be waking up till morning now that he is asleep. Good for all of us!! Even though I didn't want to wake sweetheart but I know I have to. We have things to do. I sighed thinking about this and slightly tap on her cheeks. She shook slightly but thankfully jai won't budge. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw me. She looked at me confused at first but then realized why I am here. She removed jai's hands which was wrapped around her waist and put her pillow there in place of her. How sweet!!! Sweetheart pulled me to the other corner of the room.

Reem: What are you doing here avu? It's not 1 yet.
She looked at me with confusion surrounding her eyes.

Avu: Came to tell you that there is change of plans. Meet us at our place at 12:30. Rest I will tell you there.
I said in my serious voice.

Reem: What happened suddenly?
She asked concerned.

Avu: I can't tell you here sweetheart. Everyone else is in the living room of your house and jai is sleeping here too.
I said the last part in a teasing tone to divert her attention from the topic. And I can see I am successful. She is blushing.

Reem: Umm....Uhh....Yeah!!! Right. You are right. Tell me later. And by your tone, I know that you know what had happened.
She said blushing. Aww. I know and I am sorry but I want to hear you saying.

Avu: Tell me before I assume things.
I said shrugging. She groaned.

Reem: Ughhhh!!!!! Fine. I confessed to him finally and he loves me too. We are dating now.
She shyly whispered but it was enough for me to hear and my decision to solidify. No way is she going to be prostitute from now onwards.

Avu: Congratulations sweetheart. He will keep you happy I can assure you that.
I said smiling and she nodded.

Avu: Now get ready or take a nap. It's already around 11:30. I'll go out and make an excuse.
I said in a whisper. She nodded and went back to bed but not before hugging me and wishing me goodnight while I went out of the room to see everyone waiting for me sitting on the couch or floor. Now these people to handle.

Abhi: What is taking her so long?
He asked worried. Now before they start doubting I should go to them.

Avu: Guys I am here. And sorry I tried but even sweetheart is not waking up.
I said pretending to be annoyed. Fainat and Tom understood I am lying to make them leave. Babygirl and noor don't know anything about our this work. We can't find it in us how to tell the two about this. So they can't catch up on my lie. Sweetheart is a deep sleeper too but I don't know how but she is alerted about her surroundings too somehow. Wierd but true to her.

Abhi: What took you so long if you can't wake her up?
He asked in a doubtful tone. Can't you just leave it abhishek??

Avu: Sorry. We thought we will spend time together here and enjoy tonight but they both slept. Noor wanted you all to come with us. I couldn't disappoint her. So I was trying to wake her up. But damn she is a deep sleeper too. She didn't even budge.
I said fake sad first then annoyed.

Abhishek: No issues. We can hangout tomorrow. We are staying here only tonight.
He said in an understanding tone.

Ashu: Yes avu. Don't worry. It was such an eventful day. She must be tired too.
She said. Thank you noor. You don't even know but you are helping me here.

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