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I imagine Alli to look like Alexandra DeBerry.

"You want to adopt me?" I asked, clearly shocked.

"Well yeah," Gemma smiled. "Why wouldn't we?"

"Well, you didn't care to get rid of me when you had me." I said bluntly.

Jax stifled a laugh and I raised my eyebrows.

"I didn't want you to be exposed to this." Gemma said, referring to the club.

"Yeah, well then I'll just go back to my shitty parents." I picked my bag up and walked out.

I don't even know why I'm believing them. They could be complete psychopaths and be killers.

"Hey," I heard" Jax say but I continued walking and ignored him, "let me give you a ride."

I looked at him. "I need the exercise anyways."

"No you don't. You're as skinny as a stick."

"Just leave me alone, and let me live a life where I don't know anything about my real family." I told him.

"I'm your big brother," he smiled, "I'm gonna be in your life whether you like it or not."

"Not if I run away and join the circus." I said.

"Then I could track you down real easy."

"Track me?"

"I'm a great tracker, Alli."

"Allison." I corrected.

"Will you just let me do something good for you? Your my little sister. Let me take you home, and I won't ever contact you again, unless you need help."

I sighed and got on the back of his bike. He handed me a helmet and I put it on, securing it.

Minutes later he pulled into my house. I seen Heather (Alli's foster mom) peering through the window, frowning.

"Fuck." I said, got off, and handed him the helmet.

"I'm assuming she's who takes care of you." Jax said, looking at Heather.

"I wouldn't say she takes care of me," I said, "I just live here. I take care of myself."

He nodded. "That's right. You've been alone your whole life but a year ago."

"Two." I corrected.

Heather walked out, closing the door easily behind her.

"Allison, who's this?"

"My brother." I spit.

"You're an only child, honey." She said sweetly. It made me sick.

"I found my real parents and he just so happens to be my brother." I said.

"Go inside."

I walked past her, making sure to hit her shoulder. Yeah, it was a bitch move. But she never showed me any reason to want to stay here. She never showed me any love. I haven't even known Jax but he's shown me more love than that girl has. Actually, he hasn't shown any love and it's more than what she has.

Minutes later, Heather walked in. She was crossing her arms and tapping her foot. Here we go again.

"He isn't your brother." Heather said.

"My last name is Teller, his last name is Teller. Do a damn blood test, or whatever they do."

She huffed. "Don't curse at me."

"It's in the bible, I can say it." I rolled my eyes.

"Go to your room, please." She said.

"They want to adopt me." I said.

"Absolutely not."

"Why? At least I'll be happy there." I said.

"They're bikers. They're dangerous, Alli."

"Allison," I frowned, "and probably. But I will take that chance. I've never had a family. Ever. Now I have that chance at it."

"Go to your room, please."

I got up and went to my room. I was tired and frankly, Heather was getting on my nerves. Her and Greg always fight at night so I figure I'd better sleep while I can.


"Allison, get up." Heather snapped.

I rushed. "What?"

"Greg's out of control. You have to get out of here."

"Where do I go?" I asked.

She paused for a minute. "Your brother."

"What?" I asked. She wasn't being serious.

"I don't know him," she began, "actually I do, but that's not the point. I know he won't let anything happen to you. Go."

I gathered my things. Not all of it. I picked up my school bag and hopped out the window.

I felt bad for Heather. She had to put up with Greg's dumbass. I told her multiple times to leave him but she wouldn't.

I didn't go to Jax. I went to someone else. Wes.


Short but whatever. I hope you all will like this. 😁

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