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A couple months later

Juice and I were moving into a house together. I decided it was time to do something with my life and this was a good start.

Our house was a couple streets over from Jax's house so it wasn't a big move for me. I practically lived with Jax. It was definitely going to be different.

I finished unpacking the last box and I put it outside.



"Do you want me to throw this away?" I asked as I looked at the box.

"No, we'll need them in case we need to move again or something."

I took it to the back and put it in the garage.

He brought me a beer and stood beside me. "Looks good. I really like it."

"I do too." I leaned my head into him.

"How's Jax adjusting to this?"

I shrugged. "He has privacy now. I don't think he wanted me to move just yet."

He looked at me. "What do you say to doing something tonight?"

"Like, going out?"

"Yeah, why not?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"We'll just go out to eat and stuff. Normal couple stuff."

I laughed.


I was finished getting ready. I put my bright red lip stain and walked downstairs. My heels clicked against the hardwood floor.

Juice met me at the door, planting a kiss on my lips.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He smiled.

"You don't look bad yourself." I grinned.

We took my car instead. I insisted on his motorcycle but he wanted to take the car.

We walked into this restaurant I forget the name of.

"Are you with Morrow?"

Juice nodded and I was confused. "Huh?"

"I forgot to mention," he laughed it off, "everyone's here."

"I thought this was me and you." I frowned.

He lightly kissed me. "It's kind of important that they're here."

I sighed and we met with everyone. I sat in front of Juice and beside Jax and Chibs.

"It's about time." Chibs teased.

I nudged him and smiled.

"I ordered you a salad. I know how you're trying to watch your figure." Jax smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks."

As the food came, we all ate. I put ranch on my salad and slowly ate as I made conversation with everyone.

"How's that disgusting salad?" Tig asked.

I nodded. "It's very good, and if you'd eat one once in a while you might live longer."

He rolled his eyes. "Smart ass."

I grinned. "Nothing new."

"So, Juice, I believe you brought us here for a reason?" Jax asked as he drank his beer.

He nodded. "Yeah."

He went on with this long ass speech. Don't get me wrong, I love Juice with all my heart, but man could that boy talk.

"Jax, if you wouldn't have gotten that call from her principal that day, none of us would've ever known her. She's impacted my life, as well as everyone's here," he said and looked at me, "I haven't known you for but a year, and God has it been the best year of my life. I love you, Allison Teller. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He walked around to my side of the table. He was proposing. Oh my god he was proposing.

I felt like my heart was going to explode.

"Will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth. Oh my god. I felt like I was in shock.

I looked at Clay. He was smiling. "I've already told him he could."

"I have too." Jax added. "Since dad can't."

I laughed at him and nodded.


He smiled and slid the ring on my finger. I looked at it. It was absolutely beautiful.

I hugged him and he kissed me.

Everyone clapped a little too loudly. Some people even told us to shut up or we'll be escorted out.

"They're engaged here, give us a break." Chibs shot back.

"Let's get out of here anyway." Opie said and walked to us. "Congrats baby sister."

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Op."

Opie left and Jax made his way to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Would you care to watch Tommy and Abel?"

"Not at all."

"We have a lot of shit to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure."

"They might have to spend the night. Depends."

"It's alright. I love your kids anyway."

He laughed. "I know."

We hugged. "Congrats Allison."

"Thank you, Jackson."

We left and went back to the house. He pulled into the driveway.

"I can't believe we're getting married."

He smiled. "I knew when I first saw you in the clubhouse that day that we would be married one day."

"I thought you were weird." I admitted and he laughed.

"I thought you were gorgeous."

"I thought you were gorgeous too." I grinned big.

He rolled his eyes. "Thank you."

We walked into the house and I shut the door, locking it behind me.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He smiled and began kissing me.

"I love you." He said between kisses.

"I love you too."

We were upstairs in our room, and you know what happened next.


When I woke up, I reached out for Juice to only receive cold sheets. I frowned.

I got up and walked downstairs to make myself some coffee.

Suddenly, Abel ran through the door. I put my coffee down and picked him up, putting him on my lap.

"What time is it?" I asked Jax.

"8, maybe."

I sighed. "Where'd Juice go?"

"Probably to the clubhouse," he sat Tommy and Abel's diaper bag in the rocking chair, "you doing okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Good," he kissed Abel and Tommy.

"Are they staying tonight?"

He nodded. "I usually wouldn't have you keep them overnight but Tara's working."

"That's okay."


I don't know how to end it. 😂 I'm going fishing and I've never been before so this should be interesting. 😂😂

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