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I went to the hospital to check on Heather. Juice stayed for some unknown reason.

"Hey, Alli," Juice stood up, "I'm really sorry."

"It's alright." I nodded.

"It's my fault if I-"

"Juice? Shut up, okay? It isn't your fault. It could've happened to anyone." I said.

"It wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have listened to you. I would've killed him."

"Don't beat yourself up over it." I told him, putting my hands on his cheeks.

I stepped forward and kissed him, once.

"How's she doing?" Jax asked and looked away to close the door.

I stepped away from him to act natural.

"Good," Juice said, "she'll be okay."

"That's good." Jax hugged me.

"Did you," I stopped, "tell mom?"

"I think it would be best to keep this to ourselves." Jax looked at Juice and he nodded.

"Maybe when you're ready."

I looked at them and walked into Heather's room. I sat beside her bed and held her hand.

She woke up, batting her eyelashes multiple times.

"How you doing?" I asked her.

"I feel like shit." She said and slightly laughed.

I smiled.

"What's all these bruises?" She examined my arms and I pulled my sleeves down.

"Nothing," I said. "I'm fine."

"Did he hurt you, Alli?"

"It doesn't matter, it's settled," I told her, "I'm moving on from it."

"What did Jax do?"

"Beat the shit out of him." I said. "If it wasn't for Juice.."

"Is Juice the Mexican looking one?" Heather asked.

I laughed. "Yes."

Heather sat her head back and smiled at me. "You look so much like your dad."

"My dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, we, uh, dated before him and Gemma. He had Jax, Thomas, and then you," she smiled at her words, "you, I remember you were a big surprise. Gemma expected a boy, but she got you. She was happy, but she wanted you safe. She didn't want you to be exposed to the club."

Mom never mentioned dad. Ever. I would ask Jax how he died, though.

"Gemma asked me to adopt you, and how could I say no? Look at what a beautiful girl you are."

I smiled. "Thanks. I'm sorry how I've treated you all these years. I didn't like that Gemma gave me up. I guess I just didn't like that you were with that asshole."

I got up and kissed her head. "I'm gonna head home. I'll be back tomorrow."

She nodded and I left, closing her door quietly.

"Need a ride?" Juice asked.

"Thanks," I said, "but I'm gonna go hang out with a couple friends. See you later."

I left, and went to Wes' house. He was having a secret party since his parents weren't home.

When I walked in, the smell of weed was in the air.

"Alli, where have you been?" Wes was drunk. As usual.

"Where's Kasey?" I asked.

"Trying to do belly shots." Wes laughed, too hard.

I laughed and walked away to find her.

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