twenty three.

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I imagine Amalia as Gigi Hadid except with brown hair.


I patiently waited for Amalia as I drank my coffee. The people who owned the shop were actually from Florida.

Amalia walked in. She wore a white tank top and black skinny jeans. She had a black, long sleeved cover for it.

She sat down beside me.

"I ordered you a caramel Frappuccino. I hope you like it."

She smiled. "It's my favorite."

"I hoped you would. My friend, Allison likes them."

"Oh, is she a close friend?"

I nodded. "She recently got married. I said some things to her that made her hate me. I mean, I don't blame her."

She sipped on her coffee. "Do you love her?"

"Yeah, absolutely. I loved her more than a friend, but she loves me as a brother."

Amalia chewed on her straw.

"Sorry, I'll shut up." I laughed at myself.

"No, no, I don't mind," she slid her coffee away from her, "but can I say something?"

I nodded.

"I think she loves you like you love her. I mean, if I was her I would. She just met someone who she loves unconditionally. It doesn't change how she feels about you, married or not. Hopefully he loves her just the same and won't hurt her."

She would feel like Alli does?

Her eyes grew big. "Oh god, I-"

"No. If I was your boyfriend, I would quit the shit he was doing and pay more attention to you."

Her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Allison is very lucky to have you there for her."

"I know we met," I looked at my watch, "11 hours ago, but I'm here for you too."

"Thanks Wes," she smiled, "so, where are you from?"

"Charming, California. You?"

"Isn't there a biker club there?" She asked. "But I'm from Wyoming."

"Yeah, the Sons of Anarchy. The president is Alli's step-dad."

"Oh, wow. I did some research about them. The Vice President is Jackson Teller. Sounds like she has some heavy protection."

"Oh yes she does. She married one of them."

"Was it Jackson?"

"No, Jax is her brother."

Her eyes widened. "Oh."



Paris is absolutely beautiful. I don't know which is better. Italy or this.

"You speak French, right?"

I nodded. "I hope I still remember, or we'll be up shit creek."

We walked into a restaurant.

"Puis-je vous aider?" The woman asked.
(May I help you?)

"Salut , où est Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel ?"
(Hi, where is Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel?)

"Je peux vous appeler un taxi si vous le souhaitez." She picked up the phone.
(I can call a taxi if you'd like.)

"Oui s'il vous plaît."
(Yes, please.)

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