eighteen - wedding pt. 2

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I never officially put a picture of Allison's ring. So it's to the side or above.


Juice held my hand in his as we cut the cake. I loved the wedding topper. It was perfect.

We both ate a bite and I took the rest, shoving it in his face.

Everyone oohed. He did the same to me and I frowned.

"Aw, I'm sorry."

I shoved more in his face and his face went black.

"I take my apology back."

"She's sneaky like that, bud." Opie pointed at me with a finger.


I haven't seen Wes here yet. Was he mad? Kelsey told me he was coming.

We started speeches. Gemma started first.

"My baby girl. I know Juice will take care of her. They're crazy about each other."

She went on about embarrassing moments of me as a baby and I felt my face heat up.

Jax went up.

"I have faint memories of Alli from when we were younger. I remember a baby running around all the time and being up dad's ass," everyone laughed, "I'm glad she's in my life. I don't think I would be half the man I am if she wasn't up my ass now."

I smiled at him.

"Anyway, I love you Alli. You're my best friend. I'm glad you found someone who loves you as much as you love them."

Chibs went, then Opie, Tig, Clay, Tara, and Abel. Abel insisted on saying something.

"My aunt is the best person ever. She takes me out for ice cream when I'm not allowed to have it."

Everyone laughed including me.

Then someone walked up to the microphone. Wes.

"Yeah, hi. I'm Wes, Allison's best friend since kindergarten."

He actually came. I couldn't believe it.

"Uh, I remember her first heart break. The guy used her for sex. He was an asshole. We promised each other that we would get married since we know we wouldn't hurt each other. We can never be broken."

Oh god, Wes. He was drunk. I slightly smiled.

"But, I'm glad she found someone who's good to her and won't break her heart."

Juice kissed the side of my head and walked up to the microphone. They did a little manly hug or whatever and Wes went off somewhere.

"Let's see, lets go back to the beginning on when I met Alli. Jax brought her in one day and I knew instantly she was somehow related to him. They look exactly alike. I knew I was going to marry her one day."

I shook my head and smiled.

"Since I've met her I've loved her. I mean just look at her. She's gorgeous. I love every moment we've shared."

This went on for a good 5 minutes. I enjoyed every bit of it.

"I love you, Allison. I will for the rest of my life and after."

He stepped away and sat beside me.


I changed clothes. It was time to go on our honeymoon.

Wes walked to me slowly.

"Hey, sorry I'm kind of late."

I sighed. "Yeah, a lot late. You didn't even get to see me get married."

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