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"I feel," I stopped and laughed at Wes, who was about to fall asleep. "I feel drunk, but I know I'm not."

"Yes you are." Wes rolled his eyes at me.

"Noooo." I slurred. "You are."

"Yeah, no shit."

Maybe I should go home? There was no way I would call Jax. I resorted to Juice.

"I could take you home, sweetheart." A boy said. He had obviously been drinking.

"No thanks, uh, my brother's getting me." I told him.

"Yeah, you know her brother's the Vice President of the Sons of Anarchy?" Wes slurred, almost falling down.

"I'm assuming your step dad is Clay Morrow." The boy said.

"Yes." I didn't trust this person, so I was keeping it short and sweet.

"Wow, my dad is the president of the Mayans."

"I really don't care." I said flatly.

He grabbed me and hit me hard across my face. As if it wasn't bad enough that I already had a bruise that I had covered up with makeup.

I kicked him in the manhood just so I could get away. Though I was intoxicated and a bit high, I was doing a pretty good job at not falling.

I ran into someone. Juice and Opie.

"Shit guys I'm glad you're here." I held onto Juice for support.

I seen the boy chasing after me and he instantly stopped when he seen Opie and Juice.

"Why's your face bleeding?" Opie asked.

I knew he hit me, but not hard enough to make me bleed.

"He hit me." I replied.

I seen Wes in the distance and a few Mayans.

"Want me to mess that face of yours up?" Juice threatened and I could tell the boy was scared.

"What's going on?"


"I wasn't supposed to do that?"

"Your boy here hit a girl. Clay Morrow's step-daughter." Opie explained.

Opie wasn't much for violence, but he could sure raise hell if he had to.

"He says she provoked him."

Opie and Juice looked at me. "No I didn't. He was trying to get me to go with him and I said no."

Their stares returned to the boy.

I remember it resulted in a fight. I don't remember much because I was very intoxicated.

The boy tried to take me with him again but I refused.

"Don't fucking touch her." Juice snapped and pushed the boy back.

I backed away. Jax eventually showed up. I don know how he knew, but he did.

The Mayans backed off and eventually fled. Jax walked to me. He lifted my chin and turned it to the side.

"You're bleeding." He stated.

"I know." I said.

"Exactly how many times have you been hit? It looks like you're going to need stitches."

I shrugged. "A lot."

We went to the hospital. They stitched me up and sent me on my way.

We went home and sat on the couch. That was my official bed for the moment.

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