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I wrapped my wound up to try and stop the bleeding.

A priest? Where the hell is a priest?

I seen a motorcycle like Jax's. A man walked out and his vest said 'Sons of Anarchy'.

"Excuse me," he looked at me, "you might know my brother. Jax Teller."

He smiled. "Ah, yes. You're a long way from home, aren't ya?"

I nodded. "I was taken and my nephew was abducted. The guy gave him to a priest."

"Jax's son was taken?"

I nodded and he looked at my side.

"What happened?"

"I was shot. I killed him."

He looked at something in the distance.

"Try the church down the road. You can't miss it," he said and got on his bike, "good luck finding him."

"Thank you." I said and ran as fast as I could.

I walked in. It was empty except a priest. I walked to him. I was livid.

"Where's the baby?"

He smiled. "Who are you?"

"Allison Teller."

"I don't know what you're talking-"

I pulled he gun and he raised his hands. "Where's the kid?"

"What's he to you?"

"My nephew."

"He isn't here."

"I have been taken, beaten, and shot. I'm not in the fucking mood. I just killed the guy who gave him to you. I won't hesitate with you, priest or not."

"He isn't here. He's put up for adoption."

I looked at him. "You put him up for adoption?"

"The guy you killed. He told me to."

I mentally thanked Cameron for having a silencer.

"Shouldn't have listened to him," I made sure the gun had bullets, "maybe you could've lived."

I shot him in the chest and looked around the church to make sure he wasn't. Sure enough, he wasn't.

Maybe I was going crazy. I wasn't a killer. Technically I was, but I had to find Abel. I had to find him for Jax.


Chibs walked in and I looked up.

"Jackie Boy, I have some news."


"My nephew, Padraic, says he talked to your sister."

My eyes widened. "She's in Belfast?"

"Guess so," Chibs continued, "he says she wasn't looking too hot. She said she was shot by Cameron and then she killed him. Went to look for Abel."

"We have to go. I need to find her."

He nodded. "We are. We'll find them both."

"I can't believe she killed him. She doesn't look like she could kill."

Chibs shrugged. "She loves Abel. She would kill for him, just like you will."



"Have you seen her since?"

Padraic shook his head. "No. We tried to find her. She was in the church I sent her to, and as you guessed, she killed the priest."


My eyes were burning. The last thing I remember is hiding the guns. My eyes were burning from lights.

"Where am I?"

A nurse walked to my side. "A man found you passed out from blood loss. You were shot. How?"

"A man kidnapped my nephew," I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, "I tried to get him back but he shot me."

"Did you say your nephew was kidnapped?" She looked me in the eyes. "Where are you from? You're not Irish."

"Charming, California."

"You're a long way from home, yeah?"

I nodded. "I need out of here."

She pushed me back down on the bed. "I don't think so. You're looking pretty bad."

"I'm fine," I snapped.

"Look, you lost a lot of blood. You won't last an hour out there."

I huffed. "If you don't let me out tomorrow I'll get out myself."

She looked at her clipboard. "You can leave tomorrow."

"Midnight." I said.


I patiently waited for midnight. She served me food and I ate like a bird.

I picked at my burger bun. Nobody knows I killed them. Nobody will know.

"Okay," the nurse came back in, "you can go."

The priest said he put him up for adoption. Maybe I would find him here.

I walked past the nursery. I scanned the cribs for Abel.

Bingo. I found him. I slowly opened the door and picked him up.

As fast as I could, I got out of there. I found Abel. I smiled at him.


"I just let her out."


"I don't know. She said something about her nephew being kidnapped. I'm assuming she went to find him."

I looked down. "How long ago?"

"8 hours ago."

I exchanged looks with Juice. He was frowning.

"We'll split up to look for her and Abel." He finally said.

"Good call."


"Maureen Ashby." The woman said.

I didn't know if I could trust her. I didn't say anything.

"Is that your son?"

I shook my head. This didn't feel real. I couldn't tell what was real anymore.

"My nephew." I said flatly.


I'm kinda going my own way with this. It really doesn't follow the TV show but some of it will. So like, don't get mad or anything. 😅

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