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I didn't go back to sleep. Abel was up and I was cooking him pancakes.

The door opened and I heard two voices. Jax and Juice.

I sat the plate of pancakes in front of Abel and he ate them.

Having kids was too much work. It was fun while you're making them, but I couldn't wake up at 5 am everyday.

I was exhausted.

"Tired?" Jax laughed.

I shot him a dirty look. "Yes."

"Aunt Alli took us for ice cream yesterday." Abel said through a mouthful of food.

"Did she now?" Jax smiled.

He nodded. "It was good."

I felt hands rubbing my back. I looked up to see Juice.

"That's a nice shade of dark circles around your eyes."

I flipped him off. "F off."

"Go upstairs and go to bed."

"I'll never go to sleep tonight if I don't." I said.

"You're trying to tell me that you're going to stay up all day without sleep?" Jax pointed out.

"What time did you go to bed?" Juice asked.


"Go to bed."

I raised an eyebrow. "No."

Juice looked at Jax.

"There's no telling her what to do. I've tried it plenty of times."

After Abel ate, I cleaned up and they left.

I walked to the couch and sat down. I was looking at wedding stuff. Juice came behind me and kissed the top of my head.

"Wedding stuff?"

I nodded. "I want to have shit planned out for once. With me, I plan last minute. Not for this."

"Well," he came and sat beside me, "we need a date first."

"Today's April 5th."

"I don't want to wait 7 months before we're married."

"Me either."

"How does June 21st sound?"

I nodded. "Perfect."

"Do you think that'll be long enough?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, absolutely."


The next day

I was going dress shopping with Gemma and Tara.

"Look at this one, Allison."

I looked at mom. The dress was beautiful. It was fitted all the way down then it flowed out.

I nodded. "It's gorgeous."

"Try it on."

I did as she said and went into a changing room. I slid my clothes off and put the dress on. It fit perfectly.

I walked out and Gemma and Tara smiled.

"It looks great!" Tara exclaimed.

"I love it." I finally said.

Gemma had been an emotional wreck. Crying here and there. I was her baby and she didn't want to let me get married.

"Mom, I'm going to be around. It's not like I'm moving away. I'm sure Juice will share me."

She sighed. "Next you'll be having kids."

I shook my head. "No kids. I don't have the patience."

"You do with Abel and Tommy."

"I like other people's kids, I just can't see myself having them."

After buying it, we left.

"It's kinda rushed, isn't it?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. We just don't want to wait 7 or 8 months to be married."

"You want to get it over with. I get it." Tara said.

"I'm just nervous."

Gemma smiled as she looked into the rear view mirror. "You have this, baby. Nothing to be worried about."

I hope so.



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