thirty seven.

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A gunshot rung in my ears.

"Stay here." Jax ordered.

I wanted to get up and see what happened. What if Juice got shot?

My heart raced. I couldn't take him dying. I desperately regretted ignoring him.

"Daddy." Sulley pointed with his small finger.

I looked up and seen Juice being helped by Chibs. I got up with Sulley and ran to him.

"Miles is dead. He's the one who done it. Juicy caught him." Chibs said.

I looked at Juice.

"Nice work, Juicy." Clay patted his back and Juice looked like he was going to puke.

I was relieved that Juice wasn't dead, but I didn't know how to feel. Sulley hugged me tight.

"Call Tara." I told Jax.

He nodded and walked off to make the call.

"Do you think you can ride?" Tig asked Juice.

"I don't know." Juice said, pain filling his voice.

"You might want to take him and we'll put his bike up." Clay told me.

I walked to the car to put Sulley in. Chibs helped Juice into the car. I put it in drive and began driving to the clubhouse.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Miles seen the brick sticking out of my pants. I went to put it back, like you said. I threw it at him because he had a gun on me. I had to, or he would've shot me."

"Jesus Christ." I said.

It was silent. Sulley started crying and I put a movie in so he could watch it and be content.

"Don't do anything stupid, okay? I don't want our kids to be fatherless." I said.

"I won't." He promised and I pulled in.

I parked and got out.

"Mom," I said and she walked over to me, "can you get Sulley?"

"Of course." She said and I went and got Juice.

I helped him into the clubhouse slowly. He groaned and I put him onto the table.

"Take Sulley home," he said, "I'll be there as soon as I'm done here."

I nodded. "Okay."

I walked out, shutting the door behind me. Mom handed Sulley to me.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

I nodded. I wasn't about to tell her that Juice was the one to steal the brick and then framed Miles.

"Yeah. I'm just going to pick up Finn and take them home." I said.

She nodded. "Okay. If you need anything call me."

"I will." I said and walked out.

I put Sulley in and got in myself. I drove off to pick up Finn. The pick-up process was stupid. It was safe, so I guess it wasn't that stupid.

"Child's name?" The man asked. He was tall and bulky, and I wouldn't want to mess with him.

"Finn Ortiz." I said.

"I need to see some ID."

I rummaged through my purse to find my driver's license. I showed him.

He looked at it, and nodded.

"Finn Ortiz!" He shouted.

Finn came running and I got out to put him in his car seat. I quickly buckled him in and got in, driving away.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have a new friend."

"Really? What's his name?"

"Her," he corrected me. Sassy. "Her name is Anastasia."

"Oh, that's good." I smiled.

A few minutes later, I parked in our driveway.

Wes and a girl stood on my porch. They both stood up as I pulled in.

I got the boys and let Finn down as we walked to them.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

Finn stood close to me.

"I wanted you to meet my girlfriend, Amalia. Amalia, this is my best friend, Allie."

Amalia stuck her arm out to shake my hand. I hesitantly shook it.

"Allison." I corrected.

Her smile faded.

"I didn't know you had another one." Wes said.

I nodded. This was awkward. "Yeah, this is Sulley."

"Sulley? Is that his real name?" Amalia asked.

"No, it's his nickname. Michael Alexander is his real name."

"How did Sulley come up?"

I ignored her question. "I heard you moved a couple blocks over."

Wes nodded. "We did. I'm all clean. Jace hasn't tried to contact me."

"Oh, uh, about that-"

"He's dead, isn't he?" Wes asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."


This is going to be kind of short so 😅 but I'm leaving at 5 am and it's midnight to go to my sister's and its 9 hours away.

Also, school is coming up, so I'm going to try to focus more on my studies this year because if I don't, I'm a C or D student. I start Thursday so after that, I might not update as often as I would like. Maybe once a week.

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