thirty two.

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Before I got out, I lifted my dress up. I had a knife attached to my leg, just in case I needed it.

Juice and Jax have taught me well.

I got out and locked the car. I walked to Juice and joined him.

"Where are the boys?" He asked.

"With Heather."

He nodded. "Nice dress."

I smiled. "Thanks. Nice face."

Mom looked at me. I knew she was telling me to tell Juice.

I ignored her stares and turned my attention to Juice.

"I'm going to have to leave early tonight."

I nodded. "For what?"

"Chibs, Bobby, Happy, and I are going out to the storage units to check out the guns." He said.

We took our seats and Juice put his hand on my upper thigh. He felt around and looked at me.

"What's that?" He whispered.

I lifted the side of my dress so only he could see it.

He smiled. "Smart, but you don't need it."

"You never know, Juice." I pointed out.

Everyone clapped as Lyla and Opie kissed. I smiled. I was happy Opie could be happy with someone else.


Juice and I shared one dance, as everyone else did. It was basically only me and Juice, Tara and Jax, and Lyla and Opie.

Juice's rings were cold against my skin.

"Juicy Boy, we gotta go." Chibs hollered.

I sighed. I didn't want him to go, as usual.

"I'll see you at home," he kissed me, "I love you."

"I love you too." I said and watched him leave.

I began walking off to leave too and Jax stopped me.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Just because Juice leaves doesn't mean you have to."

"No, I know, I just-" I stopped. "I'm not feeling good."

He nodded and hugged me. "Love you. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Love you too." I said and walked over to Opie.

"Congratulations, Opie. I'm happy for you."

He smiled and we hugged. "Thanks, Allie. I can always depend on you to support me."

"I'm getting ready to go, and I just wanted to say bye before I did."

"Oh, alright." He nodded.

"Love you, Op. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Love you too."

I walked away and went out to my car. I was feeling a bit drowsy.

I drove home to change before I went to get the boys.

I got out and walked into the house. Something wasn't right. Someone slammed the door and a hand went over my mouth.

I screamed and bit the hand that was on my mouth as hard as I could. It was Jace.

I pulled the knife from my leg and threw it at him. It hit him in the right shoulder.

I ran out of the house. The button. The button! I retrieved it from my bra and pressed it multiple times.

Jace caught me, and pulled me back into the house. He slapped me.

"You fucking bitch!"

I fought back. I kicked him where it hurts most.


All of our phones beeped at the same exact time.

I put my gun down and reached into my pocket, figuring it was Allie.

"God, we have to hurry." Chibs said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Allie's in trouble."

"Shit." Happy said.

We did everything we needed to and we hurried. We sped to my house.

"Allie!" I shouted.

I ran to the door. I turned it but it was locked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groaned and pulled my gun from the waistband of my pants.

I shot the handle and the door opened slowly. I pushed it open.

The place was trashed. Allie was on the floor, tied up. She had a cut on her forehead.

Bobby walked in.

"Allie? Oh god."

I knelt down beside her. She was out.

Happy ran inside and suddenly stopped.

"No sign of anyone on the perimeter." He said.

"I'm taking her to the hospital." I said and picked her up easily.

Everyone moved so I could get her out the door. Bobby opened the door and I put her in the backseat.

"We'll follow you up there." Chibs said.

I got in and backed out into the street. I tried to drive under the speed limit, but it was hard to.

Fuck it.


"Who's here for Allison Ortiz?" A nurse asked.

Everyone who was here from the club stood up. That was Jax, Chibs, Happy, Tig, Bobby, Gemma, and the prospects.

She looked at all of us, confused on who to talk to.

"I'm her husband." I said.

"She has a slight concussion," she said, "how did this happen?"

"I have no idea. I left the wedding and I haven't seen her since."

"She left right after you did." Jax said.

I looked down. Could this be retaliation? No, it could't.

"Can we see her?" Chibs asked.

"It's family only." The nurse said.

"We are her family." Tig chimed in.

"Blood related," I sighed, "not family friends."

Gemma, Jax, and I followed the nurse back to Allie's room. I opened the door and she laid there, not moving.

"I'm going to find the son of a bitch who did this and I am going to-"

"Honey, calm down," Gemma said, "we'll find him."

"How do you know it's a guy?" I asked Gemma, looking at her.

Gemma didn't say anything.

"Who did this?" Jax asked her, looking her dead in the eyes.

Gemma looked at Allie, then to us.

"Let her tell you when she wakes up."

She left the room. What? Allie knows who done this? She seen it coming.

"She seen it coming. That's why she was acting so weird." I told Jax.

"Could it have been Russian retaliation?"

I shook my head. "I thought that too, but they would've left her dead."

We both waited patiently for Allie to wake up so she would tell us, and we could kill whoever done this.


I meant to post this last night but I was so tired.

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