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7 months later

Sulley looked more and more like Juice everyday. As I predicted, he had Juice's eyes and dark hair.

Juice got out today. We all waited at the clubhouse for them to get back.

I could hear them from a mile away. All of them together, it was very loud.

We all clapped as they drove in and parked their bikes. Finn was so excited he couldn't see straight.

Juice ran over and hugged us.

"Oh my god, it's been too long."

He pulled away and looked at Sulley. He smiled.

"So I was right."

I smiled and nodded. "Indeed you were."

"What's his name?"

"Michael Alexander," I said, "but Chibs had the bright idea to give him a nickname."

"Oh god."

"He calls him Sulley, so it just kinda stuck."

"I think he wants him to be patched into the club." Juice teased.

Juice looked at Finn, who was smiling bigger than I had ever seen. Finn thought the world of Juice, and I loved it.

"I missed you daddy." Finn hugged him.

"I missed you too, son."

I took Finn so Juice could hold Sulley.

"Looks just like you." I smiled.

He looked at me then to Sulley. "He's gorgeous."

I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I looked up to see Jax.

"Hey, Al."


I hugged him and he looked at Sulley.

"This is Sulley?"


Juice was making him laugh.

"I thought you were going to have a girl." He said.

"Nah, I love my boys. I wouldn't know what to do with a girl." I smiled.

Jax held his hands out to take Finn.

"Hey buddy." Jax smiled as he took Finn.

"Were you in jail with daddy?" Finn asked.

"Yes I was," Jax looked at me, "but none of us will go ever again."

Juice smiled at Sulley.

"I'm going to take Abel and Finn into the clubhouse."

I nodded. "Okay."

Jax left and Juice hugged me once again.

"How are you?"

I shrugged. Besides the death threats from Jace, I'm grand.

"I'm okay."

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded and smiled to reassure him. "Yeah, absolutely."

"We have a new sheriff." Juice said.

"Yeah, I know. He came by and talked to me, along with another guy."

"Why? What'd he say?"

"Asked me about you and the club."

Juice looked worried. "Gemma, can you take him?"

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