twenty two.

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"I don't know what to do, Jax." I was now crying.

"Hey, don't cry. You have every right to be mad, but I have to agree with Juice. I think you should've been a little bit concerned about his whereabouts."

"He's here."

He was silent for a minute.

"He's in Italy?"

"Yes. He tried to talk to me and I slapped him."

He laughed. "Nice. Why's he there anyway?"

"He said to get away from me, which made me feel even more like shit."

"I honestly think you should get some sleep. You'll feel much better in the morning."

"Alright. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." I ended the call.

I walked back inside and into the elevators. I pressed the 3rd floor button and patiently waited for the doors to open.

The doors soon opened and I walked back to the room. It was locked. Fantastic.

I knocked. Luckily, Juice wasn't asleep.

He was in his boxers and I walked past him. I laid on the bed, facing the wall.

I felt Juice get in bed with me and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you mad at me?"

I shook my head slightly. "No."

"Are you mad at Wes?"

I shrugged. My lip quivered. "I don't know."

"Do you want to cry?"

That, I had the answer to. "Yes."

It all came out at once. It overtook me and I couldn't stop it.

"Shh, it's okay."

I turned over so I was facing him.

He stroked my hair and held me close. I was truly glad I found him.

Eventually, I stopped crying.

"It's okay. Just go to sleep. We can talk in the morning."

Sleep overtook me. I was asleep within minutes.


It was time to leave. We were going to Paris.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my naked body.

"Alli, we need to talk." Juice said.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hair and walked out of the bathroom.


"It's about Wes. He told me something last night."

"He came by?"

He nodded. "After we left, he went to Jace. Jace said if Wes sold drugs for him he would give him half of the profit made. That went as good as you'd expect it to."

"He did drugs, didn't he?"

He nodded. My heart broke. Wes went to Jace?

I quickly got dressed and walked out of the room. I knocked on each door until I found his.

About 5 tries later, he opened the door.

"Alli? What are you doing-"

I hugged him. "You're an idiot, Wesley."

Sister Of A Son {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now