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I walked in the house.

"Heather?" I called. I searched all over the house.

I went into my room and seen her tied up. I couldn't tell if she was dead or asleep. I went to untie her before I was hit.

I woke up hours later, or even days. Hell, I didn't know.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Alli." Greg smiled. He had been drinking.

"L-Let me go." I demanded.

"No, I don't think I will."

I felt like I was hallucinating. "Juice..."

"Juice? You want some, princess?"

"Where-Where is he?"

"Oh that kid outside? I sent him on a wild goose chase," Greg smiled as he took a drink of beer, "if he's smart, he won't come back. Hope that he is."

I noticed I was tied down to a chair. I tried my hardest to get out. He sat in front of me, and kissed me. I refused to do it back.

He smacked me. "We're going to be happy. We're a family."

He got in my face this time. "You better not try anything. I will kill you."

He untied me, and took my shirt off. I couldn't do anything about it. God, I was scared. I wanted Jax to find me, or Juice. Where the hell did he go?

Greg began raping me and I cried. Mostly because I couldn't do anything to stop it. I didn't want anyone to come in and see me naked. But that's exactly what happened.

Jax busted the door down and Greg looked up and smirked. I was still crying.

Jax pulled him off of me and began beating the belligerent shit out of him.

"Alli, I'm so-" Juice began and I shook my head.

He grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around me.

Opie and Tig pulled Jax off so he wouldn't kill him.

"That's my little sister!" Jax yelled. "Think about what I just did to you! If I ever see you around her again, I won't stop!"

There was now blood all over the carpet. Juice helped me up. I wanted Jax right now. I don't know why, instinct I guess.

Jax pulled me to him and hugged me. I cried into his shirt and he kissed the top of my head.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Jax helped me to the bathroom.

I heard Opie tell Greg to stay put.

"I'm so sorry, God," Jax rubbed his forehead, "I told Juice to watch you."

"Don't blame him, please," I said, "I told him to wait. There was no way I could get his attention. It's not his fault."

He left the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and there were bruises all over my body. I got dressed quickly and left the bathroom.

Without saying a word, I walked out of the house and sat on the steps. I needed time alone. Being alone probably wasn't the best choice, but I don't care.

Jax better not blame Juice for this. It wasn't his fault at all. If anything it was mine for making Juice stay outside. Thank god he got the hint that something was wrong and brought help.

My car was still in the driveway. I had the keys. I don't know why I didn't bother to drive myself places.

I walked back in the house. They were looking at Heather.

"Is she alive?" I asked.

"I don't think so."

I bent down over her. I pressed my two fingers to her neck below her jaw. I felt a faint heartbeat.

"I feel a heartbeat." I said.

"Get her to the hospital." Jax ordered and Juice nodded.

I looked up at him. "Take my car."

I threw him the keys and Tig carried her out.

Boring chapter I'm sorry :( I'm kinda tired and I didn't do my math homework same old same old

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