twenty nine.

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I watched her as she walked away. I let go of her hand at the last possible second.

"Bye daddy." I heard Finn say.

I just wanted to be home with my wife and kids.

Chibs, Opie, Alli, and Finn left and it was just me, Jax, and Clay.

"At least you got to be there with her for awhile." Jax said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I should be there with her right now." I clenched my jaw.

"Don't get mad."

I turned around and looked at them.

"How do you expect me to react? I've never done this kind of thing before and I have to be in prison! I don't even get to be there to see my son being born!" I shouted.

"She's having a boy?" Jax asked.

I calmed down a bit. I was panicking, but I don't know.

"She wouldn't tell me."


"I am never letting him put his dick in me ever again!" I shouted.

Opie began laughing and I shot him a dirty look.

"One more big push." The doctor ordered.

Gemma held one hand and Opie held the other.

I pushed and I heard crying.

"Congratulations on your new son." The doctor smiled.

They wrapped him up in a blanket to keep him warm and handed him to me.

"What's his name?" The nurse asked.

"Michael Alexander Ortiz."

"I'll fill out your paperwork, sweetie." Mom said and patted my arm.

I smiled and looked down at my newly born child. He was just gorgeous. He looked like Juice.


The rest of the club came in to see us.

"You can tell he's Juicy's boy, that's for damn sure."

I handed him to Chibs and he smiled.

"What's his name?"

"Michael Alexander."

"I'm going to call him Sulley."

I smiled. "Why?"

"Cause his face is all smushed down like Sulley from Monster's Inc."

"How are you feeling, baby?" Mom asked.

I laid my head back on the bed. "I'm tired."

"Have you talked to Juice?" Opie asked.

I shook my head. "Not since I left the prison."

"I talked to Jax and he said Juice is freaking out."

I smiled. "That's just like him."

Mom stroked my hair. "Get some rest. We'll watch him."

I nodded and shut my eyes. I slowly drifted to sleep.

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