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I was taking Abel and Tommy out for ice cream and meeting up with Wes.

"Who's this?" Abel asked as he clung to me.

"My best friend, Wes."

Wes got to his level. "Alli talks about how much she loves you all the time."

Abel's eyes lit up and he smiled. "I'm Abel."

I had Tommy on one leg and Abel on the other.

"So, news is that you're off the market for good." Wes said.

I looked. "How'd you know that?"


"Oh. I asked you to come here so I could tell you." I said.

"Well I'm glad you didn't tell me with a text," he smiled, "who's the lucky fella?"

"Juice Ortiz."

"That one guy who came for you at that party a while back?"

I nodded. "Him."

"Oh. Well I do have to say he has good taste in rings."

I smiled. "I know right? It's gorgeous."

"You're marrying Juice?" Abel asked.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, you were there last night."

He looked like he was thinking hard about it. "I don't remember."

"Well you know now."

"Have you planned anything yet?"

"No, I was waiting for Juice to come home before doing it."

Wes nodded.

"You're invited, by the way." I laughed.

"It's a good thing I actually like Juice, or I wouldn't just give my best friend off to someone without any problems."

"He's good hearted. I really like that," I looked at him, "just like you are. A girl is going to be very lucky to have you one day."

"I remember we always said we would get married one day." He smiled.

2 years ago

My boyfriend of a year cheated on me. I couldn't believe it. As if everything in my life wasn't already shit, he just made it worse.

Wes held me in his arms as I cried into his shirt. "He's a douchebag and if he wasn't twice the size of me, I would do something about it."

I laughed. He was always good at making me feel better.

"I wish I had an older brother who could do something about it." I sniffed.

"You don't deserve any of this Al. I'm sorry he's a dick."

I looked at him. "Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"I'm going to marry you someday." He blurted out.

He had this look on his face like he couldn't believe he had just said that. I smiled.

"Okay then. We'll be married one day. I know that I won't be cheated on ever again."

All of those kisses, the moments where I thought he loved me. They were fake.

Wes kissed me lightly. He apologized right after.

"I-I'm sorry. I just had to do that."

I smiled. "It's okay, Wes."

"You don't look at me that way."

"I look at you as my brother," I said, "that's better than a boyfriend. Our bond can never be broken."

"I agree. That's even better."

He hugged me. I was only 16. I had time to fall in love all over again.

I hated all of this. I had to figure everything on my own. I didn't have a mom or a dad to guide me.

Jase had used me for sex. I didn't listen to what anyone said. I thought I loved him, but I was wrong.

"When Jase cheated on me." I finally said.

He nodded as he smiled. "Yes. I told you I liked you and you told me our bond could never be broken."

"Wow, I was stupid when I was 16."

"Now you're nearly 20 and getting married."

I smiled. "I never thought I would get married at 19."

"Me either."

We talked for what seemed like forever until Abel got tired. Tommy was already passed out.

"It was nice seeing you." Wes said as he easily hugged me, since I was holding Tommy.

"I know. I'll text you later."

We parted ways as I walked to the car and put Tommy in the car seat. I went to the other side and put Abel in his.

Juice was calling.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I am currently driving home from getting Abel ice cream."

"That's fun. I'll be home late tonight."

I sighed. "Alright."

"I just wanted to tell you that and that I love you."

"I love you too."

"Okay, I'll see you later. Bye."

"Bye." I ended the call and put my phone in the passenger seat.

I drove home. Abel and Tommy were both passed out. This would definitely be a challenge.

I started by getting Abel out and then Tommy. I took them in and laid them on the couch.

I went back out to get everything else then I locked the car.

The air was cool and musky. It was definitely about to rain. You almost needed a jacket.

I walked in and picked Tommy up, holding him.

I'm so glad Jax brought the portable crib. I was paranoid about sleeping with Tommy. Abel wasn't such a problem, just Tommy.

I put him down easily making sure not to wake him up. I set it up and put him in it.

I looked at the wall clock. 9:30.

I switched the TV on and watched it until I drifted to sleep.


Is this what it was like to have a baby? I was woken up at 5:30 to a crying Tommy.

Abel groggily looked at me. "Make it stop."

I smiled. I picked Tommy up and began fixing a bottle.

"Go back to sleep." I told him and he nodded.

I fed Tommy until he fell back to sleep.


Update: my mom was being a bitch so me and her boyfriend didn't go fishing. :) so here's another chapter. Possibly expect another one.

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