thirty eight.

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Juice hobbled into the house. I got up to help him to the couch.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Besides my shot up leg, yes."

I sighed. "I wish things weren't like this."

"I know," he said, "you know Jax wants out."

I looked at him. "Our? For good?"

He nodded. "Yeah. He's taking Tara and the boys out of Charming."

"I wouldn't want to do that," I finally said, "Charming is where my family is."

"If you did, I would get out of here in a heartbeat."

I nodded. "And I appreciate it."

He kissed me.

"Are the boys asleep?" He asked and I nodded.

"They actually have been for awhile now."

"Good." He smirked.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 10:30.

"Shit, I have to go. Again." Juice said.

I let my arm fall off of the couch. I hated him leaving at night because I didn't like to be alone.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"A vote at the clubhouse. I don't know what over."

I nodded and watched as he left.


The tree branch broke. Half of me was glad it did, half of me was wishing it would've killed me.

I gasped for air as I ripped the chains off of me.

"Juicy Boy!" I heard someone yell in the distance. Chibs.

"Shit." I muttered and hid the chains and branch that broke.

I pulled my hood over my head so the chain marks wouldn't be as noticeable. I hope Allie won't find out. I'm terrified on what would happen between us.

"What are you doing out here?" Tig asked.

"Taking a piss."

"Let's go." Chibs said firmly.

"Where to?"


I looked at Tig as Chibs walked away.

"Change of leadership." He informed me and I nodded.


Juice finally got into bed. He had his black zip-up jacket on. I didn't question why. I was just glad he was home.


I woke up before Juice to take Finn to school.

I noticed marks around Juice's neck. I carefully pulled down his jacket. No. He didn't.

I was shaking. He did not try to kill himself. He didn't.

Finn didn't take long to get ready. I called Gemma to see if she would take Finn to school. As soon as she came, I went back into the bedroom.

He just woke up and he had a smile plastered to his face. I frowned, tears threatening to show.

"What's wrong?" He suddenly frowned.

"Tell me you didn't try to kill yourself." I said.

He looked away. I sat beside him, looking at him.

"Promise me you didn't try to kill yourself." I demanded.


I stood up and he followed. I pushed him back.

"You selfish piece of shit! You were going to leave us?"

He stumbled back and I turned and went to Sulley's room. He was wide awake. I picked him up and started packing clothes. I would come back for my things later.

I wasn't staying. I couldn't knowing that he tried to kill himself.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from here." I said.

He looked like he was about to cry. I don't know where I would go honestly.

I walked downstairs.

"Allie, I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly."

I said nothing. I just left. I put Sulley in the car and I drove.


Eventually, I ended up at Heather's. I couldn't go to moms. She would be nosey and I wasn't about to tell her Juice tried to commit suicide.

Heather sat down in front of me and handed me a cup of coffee.

"What's wrong?"

"I just need to think."

She raised a brow and looked at the bag I had packed. "It looks like you're packing for a vacation."

I slightly laughed. "I guess you could say that."

He put her coffee on the table in front of her then leaned back all the way in the chair.

"Did something happen?"

I nodded. "But I can't say."

"Allie, I don't ever talk to anyone besides Grace who lives across the street. You can tell me."

I sat my coffee down. "Juice, he uh, tried to kill himself."

Her eyes widened. "Allie, I am so sorry. What happened?"

"I didn't ask. I called him a selfish piece of shit and I left." I looked at Sulley, who was playing in the floor.

"Has he tried to call you?" She asked.

I nodded. "Lots of times, but I turned my phone off. I need a couple days."

"That is completely understandable. I wouldn't know what to do."

My eyes were puffy and swollen. I had to stop on the side of the road on the way here because I was crying so bad.

"I don't." I said and sighed.

"Do you want a divorce?"

I shook my head. "Absolutely not. He was going to leave me and his boys. I couldn't function."


Shorter than what I usually do. I'm at my sister's house like 4 states away from my house and like I don't ever get to see her. So, I'm spending all the time I can with her.

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