thirty six.

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As soon as I opened the door, Juice stood up.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"The park." I said as I put Sulley on the floor.

"I thought something happened to you." He sighed, relieved.

I walked to the kitchen and put the keys on the counter. He followed me.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

He took my hand and we sat on the couch.

"I'm pretty much being blackmailed."

I raised a brow. "Over what?"

"Roosevelt. My dad is black."

I wanted to laugh at him, but I didn't.

"Your dad is black?"


"What? You think they're going to kill you if they find out?"

Juice looked at me. "Oh I know they will."

"Is that it?" I asked.

He shook his head. "The drugs, they were passed."

I sighed. "It's going to cause something majorly bad to happen."

"Roosevelt wants a sample of the cocaine."

"Juice, no." I shook my head.

"I have to."

I put my hands on both sides of his face. "You have to listen to me. Don't do it. That isn't a good idea."

He easily grabbed my wrists. "I have to. You don't understand."

"It will all fall back onto you. Listen to me just this once. Please."

He pulled my face to his and we kissed. I let a tear fall but pulled away and got Sulley.


I picked up Finn and walked upstairs with them. I walked into their room and changed them.

Finn got into bed and I rocked Sulley until he fell asleep.

Juice stood in the doorway. Sulley's eyes slowly closed and I easily got up. I put him in his crib, tucking him in.

Juice turned off the light as I walked past him.

"This silence, it is killing me." He said quietly.

I continued to not say anything and I changed and got into bed.

He sighed loudly. "Would you like me to sleep in the guest bedroom?"

I said nothing and I rolled over onto my side. A couple minutes later, he shut the door and I was left alone to cry. I wasn't mad, but at the same time I was.


I was woken up at 5:30 this morning by Sulley. I didn't mind all that much.

I got up and walked to his room.

Finn looked up at me with a mean face.

"Sulley won't stop crying."

"I have him, go back to sleep." I said and he did.

As soon as I picked Sulley up, he quit crying. I went downstairs to feed him.

His favorite food was mashed up vegetables, so that's what I fixed him.

"Sul, do you want this?" I asked him.

He nodded his head as he smiled big. I put him in his high chair and he ate it, messily.

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