thirty nine.

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At 3, when I got Finn from school, I took him to Heather's and then I went to the house. I knew Juice wouldn't be there, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get a few of my things.

When I walked in, two men stood there. I recognized one of them. Jace had two best friends. One was Caden and the other was Ryan.

I didn't recognize the other man.

Ryan looked at me and smiled devilishly. "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up."

I backed up to the door. The other man watched me and came toward me. I reached under my sundress, pulled the knife from my leg, and stabbed the man in the neck.

I slightly felt bad. He fell to the ground. I didn't think to take the knife from his neck.

Ryan picked me up violently and put me in a car.


The button. It was in my bra. We were in a big semi. If I could just somehow press it, they would know.

My phone started ringing. Ryan looked at me. His eyes said crazy.

"Turn it off!" He shouted.

I pressed my button in my bra. The phone eventually turned off as I pretended to look for it.

"My husband and I aren't together anymore." I lied. Jax told me to be a distraction, so I am.

He smiled. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "He was mad that I wanted Jace instead."

He put the gun down. "So you are on our side after all."

I nodded and faked a smile. "Oh yes."

"Jax. Is that your brother?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, sadly." The words tasted like poison in my mouth.

"Is Jace dead?"

"Yeah." I said and looked away.

"It's a shame. Jace was a good guy if you really knew him."

I looked in the rearview mirror. They were following us. I smiled on the inside.

"What the fuck are they doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Fuck," he said and handed me a gun, "lose them."

"I need to go up. I know their weak points." I said.

He rolled the window down, and I climbed out. I was definitely scared of heights.

"Allie!" Tig shouted.

I looked to my right. He held in his hand a bomb. He threw it to me and I caught it.

"To activate it, turn it! It will give you ten seconds to get the hell out of there!"

I crouched down and pressed it to the side of the truck. I twisted it and as soon as I did, Ryan took a sharp turn, avoiding another car.

I was holding onto the side of it.

"Allie, jump!" Opie yelled.

I screamed. I was about to fall and I only had 6 seconds left.

"I've got you!"

Trust him, Allie. He wouldn't let anything happen to you.

I pushed off and hoped that Opie would catch me. If he didn't, well, I would be dead.

His arm went around my waist. Before we went crashing over a hill, I flipped off Ryan.

As we went over the hill, Opie didn't let me go. He held onto me tightly. We came to a stop, and he looked at me. His cheek was bleeding.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and got to my feet. "Yeah."

He stood up and I hugged him. He was like my second brother.

"Thank you so much, Op." I said and meant it.

"Anytime for family."

I pulled away and looked up the hill we just fell down.

"Now, how do we get back up?" I asked.

He picked up his bike and got on, handing me his helmet.

"There's a road that leads back up." He said and I got on, putting the helmet on.

We rode until we were all the way at the clubhouse. I got off and immediately went to get liquor.

"Allie," Jax had been saying for the past 15 minutes and I continued to ignore him, "Allie, you can't drink your feelings in liquor."

I slammed my glass on the table. "I can, and I will."

"Why?" He asked sternly.

"It's my business." I looked at him.

"When you're about to drink your weight in alcohol, it's my business too."

I shook my head and laughed. "No, Jax, it really isn't. I am emotionally unstable and I would really like to be alone."

"You need-"

"I don't want you telling me what I fucking need, okay?!" I yelled.

I took the bottle of rum and I walked out with it. More like I staggered out with it.

I was too drunk to think clearly. Today has been awful. First, I find out my husband tried to kill himself, and second, I got kidnapped. Again. Another fantastic day.

I frowned and began crying. Juice was actually going to leave me. I had been crying all fucking day.

I threw the bottle. I was having a breakdown. Chibs walked out.

"Allie, come on now, calm down."

I shook my head. I was shaking. He sat in front of me.

"Allie, it's okay. Do you want me to get Juice?"

I looked up and shook my head. "Absolutely n-not."

"I heard what happened. I am so sorry."

"That bastard was going to l-leave me."

He shook his head. "I understand how angry you are. I would be too, but you have to realize that they broke him. He wasn't in his right mind. He made a mistake."

"Sons don't kill themselves." I pointed out.

"You know, that's exactly what Jax said. You and him are exactly alike."

"I would like to think that I am nothing like him, that I am different and that I do things differently."

He nodded. "You can't abandon Juice. Not now. He needs you."

"He almost abandoned me along with two kids."

He groaned loudly. "You're so fucking stubborn."

"You're welcome."

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