seventeen - wedding pt. 1

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I'm speeding and I'm sorry :((

1st picture: her wedding dress
2nd picture: her shoes
3rd picture: the wedding topper (I thought it was cute xD)
4th picture: her makeup
5th picture: the theme of the wedding (kinda)
6th picture: her hair


I was walking down the isle. Everything was okay. I held onto Jax's arm.

Everything was distorted and twisted. I looked up at Jax and it wasn't him. It was Greg. He had a gun in the other hand.

My heart was racing like a racehorse. I wasn't marrying Juice. I was marrying Jace.

He waited at the arch with a twisted smile. I was crying. I couldn't stop myself from walking. It's like someone was forcing me to walk.

Everyone I loved was on the floor around us, dead.

"Why'd you dump me, Allison? I thought what we had was real."

I shook my head. "You cheated on me, you asshole."

I was shot in the leg by him. I cried out in pain.

"Wrong answer."

"I'd rather die than marry you."

Another shot in my side. "Wrong answer again, honey."

I was now bawling my eyes out.

"You used me for sex."

"And you used me for my weed."

Guilty. I was 16 and had bad influences.

"Now," he spoke, "say 'I do' or I kill the one you really want to marry."

Juice walked out.

"Too bad I don't want to marry her. I was just using her. You were right, she does know what she's going when it comes to sex."

Jace and Juice laughed together. My heart was officially broken.

"Juice.." My voice cracked.

"You're worthless. Your parents don't even love you. They gave you up for a reason."

I shook my head. "That's not true-"

"Oh yes it is. I've been around Jax longer than you have. I would know."

"Jax didn't even know about me."

He smirked. "But Gemma did. She told me all about you."

I shook my head. This wasn't happening. This is all a dream. It has to be.


Clay thought that Jax should be the one to walk me down the isle. I asked Clay to first, but he wanted Jax to.

My stomach was tied in knots. I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up any minute.

"You look like you haven't slept in a week." Mom said.

I looked up at her. "I had a nightmare last night. I couldn't go back to sleep."

I was ready. I just had to put on my heels.

"Mom, I don't think I can do this."

"Allison, you're like your dad. You can do this. I promise. Get over that nervousness and marry your love."

I nodded and took deep breaths. "Okay."

We walked to the doors. I waited with Jax at the end of this line.

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