twenty eight.

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The baby was due any day now. Seven months had passed.

Today I was taking Finn to see Juice.

"Ortiz, you have a visitor." The security guard said.

I watched as Juice walked through the door. He had a big smile plastered to his face.

"Daddy!" Finn shouted.

Juice got one one knee and Finn hugged him. Finn was now five years old. He was starting kindergarten soon.

He sat on Juice's lap. I had never seen Juice with a full head of hair, or any facial hair.

"You're big." He smiled.

I frowned. "Gee, thanks."

"It's cute though," Juice smiled, "how are you? How's our baby?"

"She's good."

His smile widened. "She?"

I rolled my eyes. "Since you want to go to prison, I'm not telling you our baby's gender."

"Mommy ate my sister."

Juice and I both laughed. "So it is a girl?"

I shook my head. "Is it a boy?"

I shook my head once again.

Juice just looked at me. "Is it an alien?"

I nodded. "Oh yeah, you know it. He/She is playing my ribs like an instrument."

"You're welcome." He winked.

"How's everyone?" I asked.

"They're good, just itching to get out."

I looked at Juice.

"Just 7 more months baby. Then we'll all be out and together again."

"I don't think I can wait 7 more months." I said truthfully.

Tears threatened to come and I tried hard to push them back.

Juice frowned. "Don't cry. Allison, it'll be okay."

I sat my head in my hand.

"Ortiz, 5 more minutes." The security guard said.

"Look," Juice took my hands into his, "I will be home soon. I promise. Everything will be back to normal."

"You can't get arrested anymore."

Juice looked at me. "You know I can't promise that."

"Promise me." I looked at him.

He hesitated. "You know I can't. That's just like telling everyone else to not get arrested. If getting arrested is what it takes to be loyal, then so be it."

"Think about how I feel, Juice. Finn is always asking where you are. I'm constantly worried about you," I looked down, "maybe it's my hormones talking, but I can't take it."

He didn't say anything.

"Then leave."

I looked up to him. The tears were definitely coming out. Is he being serious?

"Is that what you want?"

"No, of course not. I can't promise something that you want. I want to give you everything."

"Time's up." The guard said. "Say your sad goodbyes."

I stood up. Juice said goodbye to Finn and handed him back to me.

"I love you, Al. You know that, right?"

He hugged me and kissed me.


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