thirty three.

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My eyes opened and I seen almost every member from the club in my room.

"Not to suffocate you with questions right after you wake up, but who did this to you?" Opie asked.

"We know you know," Happy said, "Gemma says you do."

I scooted as far as I could go in the bed. I looked at Juice.

"It's alright, you can tell us." He nodded.

"Jace." I struggled to think.

Opie frowned. "I should've seen this coming."

Juice whipped his head in Opie's direction. "What are you talking about?"

"Jace came to the hospital when Sulley was born as we were leaving. He wanted to know where Wes was."

"He asked how Finn was." I said.

"Do you think he wants Finn?" Tig asked.

I shook my head. "No. He wants me for something. He didn't give a shit about Finn back then, he won't now."

"He won't do anything to you. I'm going to kill him."

Juice went to walk away but I grabbed his hand.

"I want to be the one to do it." I said.

He nodded his head. "Okay."

I let his hand go and everyone but Chibs and Filthy left.

"I won't promise that he won't be dead when I get ahold of him." Chibs said as he slammed the door behind him.

I looked at Filthy. "Can I just be alone?"

He nodded.


"You knew and you didn't say anything?" Jax yelled.

Gemma looked down. "She told me not to. She didn't want to distract anyone."

"That's when you go behind her back and tell somebody." Chibs said. "Probably could've saved her from a concussion."

Gemma looked at Chibs. "So, you're blaming me for this?"

"Mom, nobody's blaming you for anything." Jax put his hand on her shoulder.

Bingo. I brought my laptop over to everyone.

"Guys I've got something." I said.

They all gathered around.

"He was seen entering the Niners clubhouse."

Tig stood straight up, instead of leaning. "That's going to cause some problems."

"Oh yes it will." I agreed.

"Alright, me, Tig, Chibs, and Bobby will go and see what he was doing there." Jax said.

"I'm going to go see Allie." I said and shut my laptop.

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