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We were back home. We had Abel and we were home.

Things were peaceful for the moment. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

Sitting my coffee down on the table and getting up, I walked to the door. Office Unser looked at me.

"I need you down at the station."


"You're under arrest for the murder of Cameron Hayes."

I looked at him. "You're serious?"

"Yes." He cuffed me and walked me out to the car.


I had been sitting in this goddamn cell for hours.

"What the hell did you do?" Juice asked.

"I'm arrested for the murder of Cameron Hayes." I said without looking at him.

"He kidnapped you and Abel and you did what you had to."

I sighed. "I know."

Unser walked over to Juice. "She refuses to talk."

"Of course she does," he sighed loudly, "look, you gotta understand something. We didn't go to Belfast to just play with ourselves, okay? She was kidnapped by Cameron. Abel was too. She did what she had to."

"Is this true?"


He looked at me then to Juice. "She killed someone. Even if it was to defend herself, she'll have to do time."

"How long?" He asked.

"6 months."

(A/N: I know you'd probably go in longer and wouldn't get off that easy but hey, she's Jax Teller's sister. It comes with benefits.)


I walked outside. Orange wasn't my color.

The girls and boys were separated. I sat at a table.

"Allison?" I looked up.

Lacey's friend, Jessica was walking toward me. I always liked her. She was too nice to be mixed in with Lacey. She never went along with making fun of someone.


"Jess," she corrected, "what are you doing here?"

I looked at her. "Murder."

As I said that, a couple of girls moved away from me.

"Damn," she laughed and sat in front of me, "I'm here for the possession of cocaine and marijuana."

I laughed. "I don't think the Jess I know would do that."

"You're completely right. It was for Lacey and her boy toy."

"God, I hope that bitch overdoses." I rolled my eyes.

"Me too." She admitted and I laughed.

She looked over my shoulder. "You have a watcher."

I turned my head. Clay.

"I'll be right back."

I got up and walked to the fence.

"Why are you in here?"

"For murdering Cameron."

"Jesus Christ," he muttered, "how long?"

"Unser said 6 months since it was 'self defense', thanks to Juice."

"Juice was there?"

I nodded. "I called him."

Jax walked over to us. "Why are you in here?"

"Unser found out about Cameron." Clay said for me.

He opened his mouth but I knew what he was about to ask. "6 months."

Jax nodded.

I walked back over to Jess and sat down. "Who's that?"

"My step-dad and brother."

She looked at Jax and Clay.

"You look exactly like your brother."

"I know."

"What happened to your real dad?"

I stopped. I looked down at the table.

"Is it a bad subject? I'm sorry I asked."

I shook my head. "No, no, it's okay."

I started from the beginning. When I first met Jax at school ending with this moment.

"So, you've never actually met your father?"

"Not that I remember. I just know his death was tragic."

She nodded understandingly. "So do you have a boyfriend?"

I shrugged. "I guess it's kind of like a friends with benefits kind of thing."

"Is he in the club?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Ooh, a biker." She grinned and I laughed.

I stood up along with everyone else.

We went to eat lunch. Luckily, everyone ate together.

I sat down beside Jax. He hugged me.

"How're you doing?" Clay asked.

"I'm alright. I just want to get out of here."


This was kind of a filler chapter. This will be taking place in season 4. :)

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