43 brownies

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"Lisa! Where did you go?" a welcoming question greeted her as soon as she entered the room.

"To visit Yeri-- she is in the hospital... have you not heard?" 

Jisoo unnie scrunched her eyebrows, telling me that everyone knew already. she grabbed my hand and made me sit showing her phone screen. It was a message from YG just an hour ago after I left the company building. 

"But did you know? We are going to Hawaii?" 

YG did tell me to work on my solo asap as a farewell album but I did not get a heads up on this. He probably just thought of it after I told him the news. 

"For what though?" 

"According to his message, Irene and Nayeon have received this message too so clearly they are going with us-- supposedly, we are going to start shooting our summer album?"

She stared at me. 

"What if it is a collaboration?"

Well we have not yet collaborated even we have been with each other for a long time so I guess that will not be impossible. I wonder where she gets those ideas. 

"Hopefully unnie." 

We sat there on the sofa and discussed what we would be doing when we arrive. It was also mentioned we are going to be there for three months max-- how would that go. I mean what are the odds of us having a collab as well as my solo.

"Unnie! Oh Lisa, you're here!" 

"Hi Rosie posie." I smiled upon hearing her sudden outburst of greeting as soon as she opened the front door and seeing us. Behind her, stood Jennie unni, uri sarang. She stared at us, milk ice cream on her hand.

"Hi unni" she stared at me, then to Jisoo unni, to Chaengie-- casually moving her gaze to and fro at each and everyone of us. 

After a couple more minutes of staring at one another, she suddenly made her move. 

"Ah! Hi Jisoo unni, Hi Lisa, Hi Rosie posie my wifey!" she finally got to function as if someone just turned her button on. Jisoo sighed, scrolling through her phone as if nothing just happened.

"You are late."

"Unni, don't mind Jennie unni. Someone offered her brownies for free on our way home, turning out it was weed brownie. She only consumed a piece-- her ego saved her from eating too much. Before she ate it, she literally said-- 'I don't usually take free stuff but if you insist', she even bowed to the stranger."

I mentally face palmed and Jisoo beside me shook her head.

"Well now that you are here, I suppose I am supposed to take spotlight and tell you guys that we are going to Hawaii."

"Wait. Wait. Did you say Hawaii? America yes?" Chaengie turned her head towards Jisoo unni.

"What happened?" the other latter jumped in surprise without even knowing what is happening. 

"Jennie unni, we are going to Hawaii." 

"Ha? Hawa? Huh?" before she could even continue her ha's, she sneezed. This is why you should not take weed. 

"This is her first time, yes?" Jisoo unnie asked. We never took in stuff like this but knowing Jennie unni, she was probably craving it as well. 

"Roseanne, you take Jennie for tonight and tell her about everything we have discussed. Lisa we have to talk."

"Oh and we are leaving in two days, so you better start packing three months' worth of clothes and stuff." 

Jisoo unni went to her room, gesturing me to follow. 

I looked at Chaengie and Jennie unni before I left. Jisoo unni seemed serious-- I wonder what this will be about. 

Little did Lisa know, tonight will be the night. 

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