46 midnight sun

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'So cancer huh. '

'Lisa has cancer. '

she scoffed.


"So what are your plans now?" Jisoo whispered, asking hesitantly. The atmosphere was getting lighter. She found out the truth and there is no way to avoid the reality. This is real. The cancer is real.

"I am planning to stay with you guys until Christmas and leave then... It will be a struggle, yes-- but you do know I have a strong body, no one else would figure my situation out. " Lisa smirked. It could just be her trying to cover her actual emotions and shrug off the facts but nonetheless, she knew that she wanted to be strong for everyone.

"Why not go now, Lis?"

"I want to spend more time with you all. "


"Yah! Lisa, Rosé, Jennie! Are you guys coming or what?" the oldest shouted across the room. She walked to the sofa holding chips and beverages for the four of them.

It has been hours since the two talked. They should be sleeping now but they decided to have a movie night since they never got time to do so. Plus, tonight was different.

"What movie are we watching?" the cat-eyed asked. She just arrived home 30 minutes ago in which she left right after Jisoo asked Lisa for a talk. She went to the mall and bought woman necessities. Her visitor came earlier than she thought. She wanted to go alone because she also had to meet Kai somewhere for a chat. It is not like she is two-timing, is she?


"Already watched that one."


"Kind of overrated in my opinion..."

"Okay then what about... shutter?"

"Unni, that is horror and you do know we all are not fond of horrors. "

"Okay then. Let us just watch Crazy Rich Asians— a classic."

"All in affirmative?"


Crazy Rich Asians is a movie in which they liked so much. The story was deeply romantic and very realistic. The story was pretty much about rich Asians in not agreeing as the golden son marrying this average girl. Emotions and relationships were deeply involved that they learned so much from it as well as entertained by it.

"Well everyone, I am going to take my leave because I am exhausted." Jennie stretched, emphasizing the last word. It was a long day for her. She was obviously tired, trying her best to keep her eyes open throughout the movie, cuddling Lisa. She fell asleep several time but she still did her best as she did not want to miss anything out. She's a crazy, rich asian too after all. And most importantly, she's in love.

"Goodnight." Lisa kissed her girlfriend's forehead and patting, smiling idiotically as if she did not just cry hours ago with Jisoo.

"Goodnight." They all called out.

Now it's just Rosé, Jisoo and Lisa.

"So another movie?" Rosé casually asks. She may have loads of thoughts inside her head but she can't just confront them so easily. She doesn't want a dramatic confrontation. What she wants is off guard and casual.

Midnight Sun. The perfect movie to watch.

"I am predicting that the movie will end sad. I just know it." I speak, trying to lighten up the mood as I confront them. It is not too much to ask but eavesdropping just makes you want to facilitate a whole questionnaire session.

"That is a given, Rosie. I mean she is allergic to the sun, thus, can not spend days but nights outside. What is more is that she is in love, Rosie. How would that go?" Lisa. You do know it is sad and yet you do not want to tell us. How will your ending go, Lis?

"Plus, she can not gather her all her courage to tell the person she loves about her situation because of the damages it could bring to the both of them." She continued. Well that is true but-

"Is that why you are not telling us? Is that why you are only telling Jisoo unni because she caught you...?" I whisper in question.

But they heard.

"So you eavesdropped..." Lisa smiled softly and slowly turning her head, averting her attention from the TV to me.

I nodded. Hesitantly.

"It is not like the walls are that so thick."

"But Rosé-" this time my girlfriend spoke. I am mad at her for not sharing the news and stuff but I can not since I have to understand. But I can not help myself but feel furious especially when it is about one of my best friends being on the line between life and death.

"It's okay, unni." Lisa cut Jisoo off. Lisa is disappointed but the longer she lives, the more she understands the concept of understanding. She is understanding how such circumstances can not be avoided no matter how much you try. It's inevitable and unstoppable.

We all pay attention back to the movie so no one makes eye contacts.

Then she spoke .

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