16 lie

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"How'd you find this place, Lis?" Jisoo unnie asked.

We three looked at Lisa. Her face, plastered with a smile.

As I continued to stare at her face, I started to realize.

Is that a fake smile?

Lisa POV

"How'd you find this place, Lis?"

I knew they would ask this so I was prepared. But I didn't think it would be now. Even more, the three are just staring at me as if I was a painting from a museum. It adds more pressure istg.

"I liked to wander around when I was little and then I found this place and decided to buy it after years and bam its mine now!"

Sorry guys, but I can't tell you the truth. Only Jisoo unnie knows about this but it isn't really necessary for her to know how I found this place.

They do not have to know this is where I let go of my tears and where I spend my depressing days. I just wanted to show this place so they could come here whenever they visit Thailand or whenever they want to. They're part of my family anyways.

Speaking of family,

I think I will have to visit my mom tomorrow since we have nothing planned. Maybe I'll bring the them too. It has been a while since they saw mom.

After that explanation, all they said and how they reacted was just
'ohhh's here and there. And 'wow's and 'amazing' s and then they continued exploring my place. I'm so glad they're loving my place. I love it too but I love it more now that they're a part of it too now. They're my bestfriends for life. Twice and Red Velvet too but they have their own things to achieve and do. So still, sadly they're not with us.

"Should we watch the sunset?" 

I checked my time and it showed, '5:23' in the afternoon.

"Where ya going? " Rosie asked intently.

"I'll just grab something real quick."

3rd Person POV

Lisa smiled sheepishly to herself as she grabbed 4 small cups, a bottle of soju and a bowl of popcorn.

The dainty girl on the other hand, was confused. She didn't know what the lad was planning to do. However, she trusted Lisa so, for sure there aren't drugs there.

Lisa went back to the sofa, gaining all three pairs of eyes at her, and attention on her. Even though it was creepy, she was getting the hang of it. She must get a hang of it. Especially now that she attracted a bone cancer and it decided to live in with her.

Lisa sat down and gave each one of her friends a small cup containing soju.

Lisa POV

Times like this. We must treasure.

 Cause its just once in a lifetime. But that does not mean it cant go twice. It depends on fate and luck. Whether you deserve it-- depending on destiny. 

Your destiny.

I wonder.

If this is my destiny.

To get cancer and decide if I want to live or not. Giving me two choices of staying to die earlier or leave to live longer. But what I really want to do is both. I wanna live but I also wanna stay so I can spend more time with them. However, I've got a time limit. I can't stay forever. I wanna stay with them as long as I can. I still want to see their faces before I die.

"Lisa, you're thinking too deep."

I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed Jisoo unnie is now sitting beside me.

I was sitting beside Rosé earlier. They must have changed seats while I was thinking too deep. It happens, you can't blame me.

"uhh... Hi unnie!"

It's so difficult to fake happiness.

"I know you lied-- you did not actually just wander around and found this place... So tell me how'd you find it?"

I knew she'd asked this. I mean she was there when I told about my dad- I mean ex-dad.

"After when you know who left.. I wandered around and found this place then yea, it became my comfort place where I can just let go of the sadness and pain."

I smiled at her after the last word.

Jisoo unnie side-hugged me and told me what I needed from the start. It was a short summary of what happened but she could not care less. I know she just wanted to ensure that I am okay and holding up. 

"You're gonna be fine... We're here for you so there's nothing to worry. "

If only that were to be true, unnie...

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