35 power up

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"Yes yes i know. Now please my phone." Yeri eye smiles as she asks for her phone. Yes, I admit she is cute but if you know very well. We don't admit.

"Eww.." Seulgi and Wendy unnie expressed their most disgusted faces.

Irene unnie flinches but does not comment.

She shouted and aggressively gave the phone to the girl on her 20s, which is exactly a lie. BECAUSE SINCE WHEN DID SHE GROW UP.??!!

I'm sorry but to be honest with myself. The maknaes never change in my eyes.

"ooopsss, you can't say that." She cuts Joy, while wiggling her eyebrows.

Joy turns her back from us, stomping her way in the cabin. She sure did have enough of Yeri but knowing her, it won't be long. Yeri is really special to her as if they are biological sisters.

"UNNIE IM KIDDING." Yeri shouts but does not follow. I thought she would but instead...

"Unnie, you've been staring at us for minutes now.. are you okay??" Yeri turns to me, asking faintly. How can she be like this?? Is she crazy?? On stage, she looks like she's really mature. Off stage or on variety shows, she's looks really naughty, but around us, she's actually sweet to everyone.

"No, it's okay.." I smiled sincerely, with direct eye contact to tell her I'm really fine.

Actually, to be honest, I'm not.

I'll miss these days where it's just us friends, not just us but all of us friends, laughing and talking about stupid and dumb things just like this.

Right now, to be honest, is really hurts that I just feel like...I just want it to be gone.

In specifically 11 months and 9 days, I'll be in England, after that day, I'll be in my death bed, just hoping for a miracle. But I really don't think so, that such thing might or will happen.

"Lisa, are you really fine? You know there should not be anything troubling you today right?? It's your Nini's birthday, don't think too much, kay?" Irene unnie advices as she pats my back softly, really comforting my soul from the pain I'm feeling.

I nod and smile at her.

"Anyways!! Let's finish this guys so the party can start." Wendy unnie smiles brightly at each and every one of us, raising her fist up in the air.

"Unnie, you can't be seriously promoting Power Up album right now." Yeri fakes cringe.

Wendy unnie puts her fist down really slowly with embarrassment and starts walking inside the cabin, just right after Joy steps in the cabin.

Well, wow yeri. Two kills in 2 minutes.

"You didn't tell us you had a place like this.." Seulgi unnie smirked.



For the hundredth time already-- iT's not my places/!

I glare at her and she giggles as she follows wendy unnie.

"Well,, Imma go apologize before they will actually hate me for real.." Yeri blasts off, running to wendy, dragging wendy inside the cabin by her hand.

And soon, they disappeared from our sight, leaving me and Irene unnie together.

"Lis, you know you can say it right?" Irene unnie asked, as we start making our way to the cabin where everybody is supposed to be in right now, preparing for the party.

"No, unnie. It's nothing.." I smiled and did the same thing like what I did to Yeri.

She looks at me with sincere and worry at the same time, straight through my eyes as if she is figuring out what I'm thinking right now.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. She doesn't have to know.
My worries wont be their concern or else it'll be their worries too.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. Not an awkward one but a comforting one.

"Guys!! What took you so long???" Seulgi unnie asks,  almost glaring at me.

Oh wait, did I mention she and Irene unnie are officially dating???

She always gets jealous, when I hugged Irene unnie earlier, she was glaring at me right through my soul. Istg, I thought I'd get slapped.

"Yah babe, dont get jealous. We only talked." Irene unnie back hugs her.

Honestly, this is weird but I'm kinda getting used to it. They're together and I am so happy for them.

"Yeah seulgi unnie, no need to be jealo–" my sentence was cut off by,

"WASSSUPPPP!!!" Someone with a familiar voice suddenly barges in to the cabin.

"Well well well, if it isn't who I think it is...."

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