6 cancer

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"Lisa!" Jimin called out. What is happening I do not understand. 



"Lis.... You have bone cancer...." 

"huh?" I did not even realize I am already trembling. hahaha how long will i be able to hold on I wonder.

"Lisa.... You've been ignoring it for the past 3 years now...." Of course I would. I mean it just looked like a bruise. I thought it would be caused by too much dancing but I guess it's worse than I thought it would be.

"Lisa... You've got 2 more years..." he said as if he read my mind. I can hear the sadness from his voice.

2 years. 2 years left for me to spend with my friends. Especially my mom. 2 years?? What would happen after that 2 years?? Dead? am not surprised.

"Lisa.. You can go to England to cure it... I was researching because on of my patients got a similar case and Lisa, do not worry there is hope. Please go and get better. " I knew he would say that. He knew me well enough to know my expressions.

I suddenly felt a hot liquid on my cheek going to my chin. I'm crying. I didn't expect to cry today. That's the last thing I wanted to do today.

I can't even speak, I'm thinking too much that I can't even speak. Thoughts about me dying just makes my world upside down. I'm feeling nauseated. My tummy is full of butterflies, my breath is unsteady.

"You have my number right? You can call me if you have decided. I guess you still want to spen......." and that's the last thing I heard before everything blacked out.


Jimin POV

I was telling Lisa that she can call me if she has decided whether to go to England for the cure. Until I saw her fell off the chair.

She fainted. I called all the nurses to bring her to a private room. They put her on a bed and her body was just lying unconsciously. She seriously needs help. But this girl right here is hard headed. She has been my bestfriend for years now and I wasn't even there for her when she was a trainee in YG. I bet she had a hard time fitting in.

This girl has been going through a lot and I salute to her.

I felt my more tears on my cheeks as I just stared at Lisa's unconscious body. She doesn't deserve this. She did nothing wrong but why? Why my bestfriend? Out of millions of people, why does it have to be her?

Minutes later, she woke up and looked at me with confusion.

"What happened?" her voice was soft and tired. She was tired. She yawned and smiled as if she just woke up from a nap.

"I only told you that you can call me if you decide to go to England." I know she should rest first but she won't stop bothering you until you give the answer. Except for Jennie of course. She's whipped for Jennie.

Her smile faded as soon as I said that.

" I really have it, don't I? " she asked, referring to the cancer. I nodded hesitantly cause it hurts knowing your bestfriend has cancer.

She sighed and continued again.

"Don't tell my friends okay? Promise me." she put out her pinky finger to seal the promise. I hesitated at first but I did anyways. This is my bestfriend. Bestfriend. So I would do anything for her. I wasn't there for her when she was having a hard time. So now, I'll be helping her and will do my best to keep her safe.

"Here." I handed her a plastic which contained a pain reliever and the receipt. She looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you" she muttered. I nodded and by that she left. She's so hard headed, she barely rested. aish

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