27 scream

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Jennie POV

"Where's Lisa?" Sana asked looking around finding for Lisa.

Yea... where IS my girlfriend??

So suddenly she just leaves when her girlfriend needs her comfort because of these idiots, especially Sana?? That brat should be ashamed of herself right now.

"She's in her room, resting." Rosé explained.

"I'll go check on her."

Irene, Nayeon and Jisoo unnie looked at each other and Rosé joined their eye contacts a minute later. This is getting too fishy.

I smelled more fish such as rotten fishes when Jisoo unnie looked at me.

"I'll go Jen. You ran a mile chasing a tall rat. You should be tired. Go relax on your seat. Your unnies will go take care of this." She shook her head, in disappointment. What did I even do?? Why exactly is she disappointed in me??

I nodded cause I couldn't protest more. I'm too tired to protest. Plus, I don't wanna disturb my girlfriend, although I'm craving for cuddles. Jisoo unnie walked towards the hall and made her way to Lisa's room.

Jisoo POV

'Go check on her.' is what I read through Irene's eyes.

And that's why I'm here, walking to Lisa's room.

That brat.

I turned the knob and it's locked. Great.

"knock knock"

5 mins after.

Alright. I'm going in.

I knew reading books on how to unlock door would be useful.

3rd Person POV

Jisoo pulled out a bobby pin from her hair and inserted it to the keyhole.

After few tries,


I finally got it. Hah.

she thought.

What welcomed her made her enter the room and lock the door.

An unconscious Lisa is again to be spotted. She fainted. Once again.

"Lisa... Wake up." Jisoo kneeled down next to the body, put a strand of her straight hair behind her ear and started shaking Lisa, hoping for Lisa to wake up.

"Lisaaaa, come onnn.." she pleaded but nothing happened. The body was still lying down on the floor, unconscious. As if she was playing dead.

If she calls the doctor now, Lisa's gonna hate her.

Well suck it up, Lisa. I care and I have to do this. Like it or not.

Jisoo grunted.

She exited of the room and screamed. Like in the movies when you see something frightening.

All of them heard the scream from the living room and looked at each other. Irene, Nayeon and Rosé looked at each other and ran as if it were their last. Jennie followed after cause it was from Lisa's room and that's her girlfriend so she ran, following the three. The others followed them, clueless and dumbfounded. Sure, they were aware that it's an emergency and frightening scream. But right now, the states of their minds were in kindergarten. Only five of them were doing okay, however, still not okay.

The three arrived first then Jennie, then the others. They spotted Jisoo standing in front of the open door, her jaw hanging wide. Her hand covered her mouth and eyes wide. All of them checked what she was looking at and there was Lisa lying on the floor unconsciously.

Jennie was the first to snap out to reality and kneeled beside Lisa. Her eyes started tearing up and she started shouting.

"CALL 911." She repeatedly shouted as she picked up Lisa's head and laid it on her lap. Jisoo snapped out from her acting scene and called an ambulance.

All their cars were with their managers as they don't wanna be spotted in one dorm. All of them, walked around, panicking, holding their chests, biting their nails in nervousness. They were worried for Lisa. They never thought this would happen but the 4 were surely aware of these happenings.

Ambulance came and picked up Lisa and brought her to the hospital.

All of them were either stressed out or very anxious and can't just stop from moving from one place to another.

Jennie went with the ambulance since she's the girlfriend of the patient. Irene called her manager to deliver Red Velvet's car so the visuals can go follow the ambulance to the hospital—specifically, Hirai Hospital.

Her manager arrived and the three made their way to the hospital, dragging Rosé with them because she's a part of this too. However, they left the others at the dorm since they can't bring too many people or they'll be caught and might appear on social media. The others were left behind, still anxious, however, they made it to calm down, by resting.

Even though it's just 4 in the afternoon.

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